It started itching down there so I had to shave it (I wonder if my bathing regime – I bathe using peppermint oil – caused it): That being said as the owner of it it is VERY small and tight esp. for someone my age (I am 38)! Surprisingly and ironically Imma keep the armpit hair tho ?? Gotta maintain appearances…..
Read moreCategory: My Life
My lyfe is interesting…. you’ll see ?️?️?️
DO NOT Bring Your Toxic Ass Relationship Insecurity Energies Around Me
I can sense they were fucking around (after seeing my vids)….. They soooo quwetee ??? I can’t stand this…..    And esp. this right here…..  Here is their license plate number:  Amber03 it is spelled! I had to ‘woke these two esp. the nigger cause they coming around with this energy of leering at me like I am a zoo animal (yes I can sense that motherfucker and will let you know) and think they can treat me like the trash they threw down on the ground – the trash they are with the nigger saying
Read moreInterdimensional Entity Shows Up During Heavy Bout of Drinking While Playing With 99 Cents Store Garden Strobe Lights
I got a theory….. esp. since this thing showed up to more than likely possess me during a heavy bout of drinking – a custom I usually undertake before a MAJOR undertaking….. What if we are some highly advanced multidimensional video game for multidimensional beings to take over at will and control – hence entity attachments and possession…..
Read moreThe Christopher Caseing of A White Supremacist Candsbroadway Bitch’s Daughter
Her name is candsbroadway. She fucked around and IS about to find out…. I believe in hitting a mofo where it hurts….. Black witches, we know the time ? Also if anyone got any info on the troll known as candsbroadway on Youtube here: Send it to me here [email protected] Let’s teach this heaux…..
Read moreBald Sexually Harassing Wetback RUNS When I Call ICE And Why You Gotta Check Mofos As A Female
LOL! My friend says call his ass “bald” next time….. Another thing; cautionary tale – peep how QUICK he was to run when I threatened to get authorities involved….. This mofo was meaning malice towards me. He walked where the rv behind me was, then looked dead at me, then looked IN my vehicle after I told him not to – as if to challenge – hence the confrontation. There is a method to my so called “madness” and it is about self preservation. I got PTSD AND I WILL NOT let this incident happen again….. Nasty Ass Sexual Predator
Read moreWhite Supremacist Stalker Gets ‘Woked
Look at his smug face….. – A dude, Mexican dude I talked to said he saw him stalking 3 young Mexican GIRLS – no more than 15, 16 years old on the sand! He felt because he is white he is entitled to my body…. a while back he even called me “nigger” cause I didn’t want him….. Now he’s ‘woked I profiled him here: How The Reptilians Try To Pair You With Controlled People To Control You And here: How Aliens Can Manipulate Your Life
Read moreHow Aliens Can Manipulate Your Life
You can see the manipulation allll throughout this video here….. ….You can see it allll throughout….. That said as I have said before ?? Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians John Elliizz’s Book CONFIRMS Wetbacks Are The Demon Seeds of Demonic Reptilians Mexicans and South Americans Resonate With The Satanic Energy Here are some perfect examples: it is like whatever is going on with me spiritually they reflect it…… The second vid esp. infers this…. As if – as I have said before
Read moreDefeating The Demon Akiel
Damn, that’s an alien in the background. Wow….. It is strange that this mofo actually exists and I didn’t know this name until this astral projection experience last night: This was real cause when I awoke I HEARD knocking – 3 knocks – on my van but no one was around…. That said I was in my childhood room and I started pushing away a “white girl” wearing a sailor moon Japamese school girl outfit with blonde hair and black eyes who started saying from what I best recall, “Please don’t get rid of me” till I pushed it
Read moreWhy You Need To Call Toxic People Out Even If It Brings Conflict At A Happy Event
I have come along way. I have build myself up, pulled myself energetically, spiritually by the boot straps. I have come far and my blog is documentation for that. That being said, I have come to a point where I have NO PROBLEM with cutting ties with – and breaking bonds with – toxic mofos who mean you harm. I no longer second guess myself. I no longer sacrifice MY inner peace for the sake of protecting others from experiencing tumultuous conflict with BULLIES! I own my experiences. I own the truth and I will tell and act as the
Read moreOrb Plans To Jail Me On It’s UFO As Shown In Astral Dream
I noticed that when they came last night – I saw shadows outside where no one was – my light started flickering on and off repeatedly…… I saw at least with one homeless – a male heroin addict – that he was Soul scalped aka had his Soul replaced with that of a powerful un-Earthly witch (I sensed she had red hair) perhaps to help him overcome his addiction and self destructive ways. In my case one of those “sacrificing giant heads” was removed that was causing me alot of great harm and was keeping me stuck…… I’ve talked about
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