Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump: https://toplessinla.org/2021/01/09/the-covid-destruction-of-businesses-is-meant-to-set-up-for-the-great-reset-aka-hunger-games/ Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things..... I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time. So I am not a simple person.
The Way To Make It In Hollywood Is Not With A Deal With Satan But With The Demiurge Reptilians And His Other Archons

The Way To Make It In Hollywood Is Not With A Deal With Satan But With The Demiurge Reptilians And His Other Archons

The demiurge is who christians, muslims and all followers of mass mind control re-ligion war-ship! That is who those in Hollywood make deals with and give sacrifices too as was done for the god of the old testament: John Ellizz’s All Seeing Eye Book Confirms That Christians and Muslims War-ship A Reptilian So Called God – As I will show in another blog post he is BAAL, Moloch as Yaweh is Baal! This is an example of one such archon – a skeletal archon – who had his minion – a reptilian – come to me via astral projection in

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Why You Need To Call Toxic People Out Even If It Brings Conflict At A Happy Event

Why You Need To Call Toxic People Out Even If It Brings Conflict At A Happy Event

I have come along way. I have build myself up, pulled myself energetically, spiritually by the boot straps. I have come far and my blog is documentation for that. That being said, I have come to a point where I have NO PROBLEM with cutting ties with – and breaking bonds with – toxic mofos who mean you harm. I no longer second guess myself. I no longer sacrifice MY inner peace for the sake of protecting others from experiencing tumultuous conflict with BULLIES! I own my experiences. I own the truth and I will tell and act as the

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Show Out For Cookie Tookie on August 9 2021 At The Van Nuys Courthouse

Show Out For Cookie Tookie on August 9 2021 At The Van Nuys Courthouse

Her situation is terribly sad and – as I have recognised with myself – she is STRONGLY caught up in the grip of demons hence why it is next. to difficult. for her to quit the insidious cycle of addiction and self destructive behaviors. Here she is crying out for help: Here she is for lack of a better word acting cracked out – with in one case a sissy fahjay (fag) making fun of her….. Poor Cookie….. Her situation is sad and tho. my case isn’t extreme I been there…… I’ll say this…. take naltrexone….. I peep it’s been

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Racist Wannabe White Wetback Attacks Young Black Man For Saying He Wanna Date His Daughter

Racist Wannabe White Wetback Attacks Young Black Man For Saying He Wanna Date His Daughter

Gotta put this up everytime it’s a post on a Messy-can(T): IF YOU SEE THIS ILLEGAL WETBACK ASS CHOLO WALKING AROUND, PLEASE CALL I.C.E. AT 1-866-347-2423 I got I.C.E. on speed dial ?? This is why I keep my foot on their asses ???…… – His daughter looked like an old ugly fucking witch….. And to thibk the balloon snorting lil uncle tom sellout nigglet here wanted to hurt me (nothing happened contrary to what they said) for calling one of his “friends” who abandonded him after he nearly died from ✊? ‘woke I put on his black ass justifiably

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Orb Plans To Jail Me On It’s UFO As Shown In Astral Dream

Orb Plans To Jail Me On It’s UFO As Shown In Astral Dream

I noticed that when they came last night – I saw shadows outside where no one was – my light started flickering on and off repeatedly…… I saw at least with one homeless – a male heroin addict – that he was Soul scalped aka had his Soul replaced with that of a powerful un-Earthly witch (I sensed she had red hair) perhaps to help him overcome his addiction and self destructive ways. In my case one of those “sacrificing giant heads” was removed that was causing me alot of great harm and was keeping me stuck…… I’ve talked about

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Was This LAPD Wilshire Cop Trying To Cop A Phone Number From Ole Whyte Goirl

Was This LAPD Wilshire Cop Trying To Cop A Phone Number From Ole Whyte Goirl

Only reason why I pullt UP! Otherwise I wouldn’t of bat an eye if it woulda been a thug, a gangmember, chomo, or somebody who deserves an asst whooping ?? That said, this demon seed of Quetzcoatl ass ILLEGAL wetback deputy who beat LEGAL CITIZEN Christopher Bailey was WAYYYY outta line hea….. Wetback’s name is Deputy Luis (that’s a wetback ass name if I ain’t seen one) Cano (like Cano from Mortal Kombat): If you see his wetback ass out in the field please report this wetback to ICE at 1-866-347-2423. I got ICE on speed dial. That said, Imma

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You Crakkkas Need To Give Tony Vera And Not German In Venice CREDIT For Covering The Clean Up At Venice Beach

You Crakkkas Need To Give Tony Vera And Not German In Venice CREDIT For Covering The Homeless Encampment Clean Up At Venice Beach

This why I CAN’T STAND CRAKKKAS….. – Fucking wetback, gotdamnt lapdog of crakkkas ???????⬜ LOL what I say is true here….. The Los Angeles Sheriff Homeless Outreach Team look homeless their damn selves….. Just look at one of the sheriff’s deputies at here at around 9:07 and tell me he ain’t off…… He look like a whiskey drinker and I can tell that Deedrick dude gay and into older menzzzzz ✊??️‍? Anyways, Tony Vera – here is his channel https://youtube.com/user/tonyvera1902 HAZZZ BEEN covering this whole cleanup from sunrise….. He INdepth with this shit….. That Peggy Lee Kennedy get on my

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Black Women Stop Letting The Jezebel Stereotype Limit You

Black Women Stop Letting The Jezebel Stereotype Limit You

**** Truth be told, having talked to latin and black men, WHITE BITCHES are the real nasty fucking freaks and sexual deviants who do ANY-THING hence why they are in part popular in sex work. It’s black and latina womben who are chaste. Just like their nasty ass chomo perverted sexually predatory ass “men” who like womben with no hips = lil girls. They THE nastiest son of a bitches on this planet (I’m telling truth as a former sex worker) who’ll get into anything be it animals, dogs, cats, children. White people are fucking perverts. Folks of colour, esp.

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