Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump:
Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things.....
I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time.
So I am not a simple person.
Looka IT’S response…… – CRAZY cause there were 9 screenshots with this wetback I argued with (then ‘woked) last night…… Here is IT’S instagram….. https://www.instagram.com/benjones_619/ This Is Why I Say Wetbacks Got Low IQs And You NEVER Open Yourself To Them I ‘woked this inferior crakkka too and let him know what IT is….. As a black person and esp. black woman, you gotta train these wetbacks and crakkkas cause they look down upon blacks and will get WAYYY outta line when they think they can get close. You gotta keep their toxic asses at a SEVERE hostile distance….. as
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You create etheric chords with those mofos….. But I did this to show to blacks how stupid and low IQ inferior being these creatures are….. Notice he uses a black image to make fun and insult me while saying I am racist ??♀️ proving in effect what I say of them to be true of them having low IQs (I mean how dumb do you have to be to use racism to supposedly fight fucking racism ????=?=?) and thinking they are better than blacks…. Notice how these creature responds when I show him this article: https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2007/latino-gang-members-southern-california-are-terrorizing-and-killing-blacks – Notice it just
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I – like I said before – majority of you fucking people operate like robots cause given the shit men do…. how can you be with them mofos….. ya’ll are like robots with fucking blinders and walls made of concrete for consciousness cause….. How the fuck can ya’ll ignore the utter and complete selfishness in males, of how they have this society set up against you and incorporate unfair moral rules they don’t hold against themselves such as slut shaming while needing YOU = (WOMBEN IS GOD) TO CREATE THEM AND CARRY THEIR LEGACIES…. It’s like mofo you hold the
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…..After this shit here I couldn’t fight the alcohol compulsions so I just gave in….. THIS IS WHY I CAN NOT STAND WETBACKS AND SEE THEM AS THE SCUM OF THE EARTH Here I am with a Portuguese friend of mine (I don’t hang with no wetbacks) getting turnt up lol……. Cause of the situation above I felt the need to let these wetback beaner and crakkka cops KNOW where I stand with them…. and where they stand with me….. While eating a burrito….. I didn’t feel like cooking…… ….I notice these roaches were very nice to my creole friend
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THROUGH SERENDIPITY I GOT THIS ASSHOLE’S INFO HERE: Drunk asshole works for CHP ironically as a motorbike mechanic ?? Friend saw it on the side of the road and immediately felt it was some asshole who had fucked with me…. he found his shit strewn around. Divine justice got served ✊? ‘woke ??♀️???? I CAN’T EVEN BE FREE TO BE ME CAUSE OF THESE MOFOS…. YOU CONSTANTLY HAVE TO PUT YOUR GUARD UP (AKA BUILD A WALL AROUND YOUR ENERGY) CAUSE 1 MINUTE YOU LET YOUR GUARD DOWN AND THEY HONE IT LIKE BUZZARDS TOWARDS THEIR PREY! IT’S A FUCKING
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They did the right thing….. – This is a video taken off of Tony Vera’s channel showing how Venice Beach looked back in 2010, showing that it wasn’t always this bad with the homeless problem contrary to what ACTORvists say….. As stated here he kinda capes alot – almost to a blind degree – for the homeless as he has even said he has been there himself. Here below is but an example of said impossible caping….. Breh, as I said in the vid above you just can’t be blindly caping for the “right” for mofos to take up whole
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LOL! ….Man was I ever LIT ?? There my Kill Bill outfit……. I got so LIT ?? law enforcement showed up 3 times on my ass…… Here are some pics from that day….. …..I had to take Plan B because a wetbuck came inside of me yesterday……. ….Why them mofos obsessed with getting mofos pregnant…… I got a nice ass body…… Oh yeah, I had to tell ole boy to get the fuck up the skreet cause show’s over……
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The best example are pick up artists, PUA’s who say that to get a female or anyone’s respect, you must be an “asshole” or aloof to their existence and ultimately very exclusive. Exclusive clubs and cars don’t get valued for a reason. A young black woman who thought I was doing my shirtless rights activism for sex work said, “White men love us.” Okay, so why you got kneegrows walking the streets earning $16 per head while wide bitches lesser in looks and spiritual energy charge $300 per hour or more – WORKING INSIDE and facingess dangers, getting more respect
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I did something last night that finally removed what I thought was an entity attachment but turned out to be an energy block at the base of my spine aka kundalini….. I still got some work to do with the back of my neck where the entryway for your Soul lies (I think it’s past life shit causing it)…… In light of this everyone with deeply embedded traumas that causes blackouts aka energy blocks in your Soul….. Mofos Gotta Stop Letting Spirits Control Their Asses Before They Get FUCKED UP It’s like with roaches and wetbacks who I use raid
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While doing this vid here…… I got picked up by the Lost Hills Sheriffs here….. All because this rape victim who is – now I remember – a Vietnamese dude who drives an old (probably late 80s model) white pick up truck was throwing LEGIT ROCKS – NOT pebbles as I do – at fucking vehicles the other weekend under the cover of night, smashing windows. I heard it and saw him and pulled his ass out from the side of the street cause that shit could not only kill someone – but I KNEW the blame would be placed
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