Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump: https://toplessinla.org/2021/01/09/the-covid-destruction-of-businesses-is-meant-to-set-up-for-the-great-reset-aka-hunger-games/ Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things..... I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time. So I am not a simple person.
Archon Possession And How To Remove Them

Archon Possession And How To Remove Them

This past weekend I just got attacked – viciously – by an ugly reptilian archon that looks alot like this….. I have been doing energy work on myself in which I have removed false Soul pieces all designed to attach me to dark sacrificial heads I have talked about here. In the process…. it made it easier for me to FINALLY associate drinking with the shitty way it has you feeling after overindulging and even my liver hurt (because an archon was intercepting the alcohol – using me to feed it – there would be no real negative physical effects

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Malibu Is Really Becoming Tweaker Central

Malibu Is Really Becoming Tweaker Central

I knew RIGHT AFTER the Venice Beach cleanup THIS was gonna happen….. I think these are the assholes who celebrated the attempted rape who were following said attempted rapist in a parade procession….. After being ran out by the forest rangers…. NOTE thet don’t hassle the other cars, vehicles parked in no parking spots (I think it’s cause of my recent spate of no crakkka blogs…. )…… ….Saw some folks here early this morning (ole dude in the converted truck had just got there to work he wasn’t spending overnight here)….. I get into a near fight with an ole

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This Is Why I Am Hostile To Crakkkas And Wetbacks

This Is Why I Am Hostile To Crakkkas And Wetbacks

– Looked ALOT like this redneck here. Just. Wetbacks aren’t as bad but still cause they think they are white and due to their bloodline they must be given a wide berth….. – I wish I woulda got this shit on tape….. An hour earlier a crakkka white supremacist (or shall I say white supremacist race war warrior) who had passed by earlier lecherously giving me the predatory stare then came back around and parked RIGHT behind me in light of this having happened…. I Beat A White Attempted Rapist Who Tried To Use Bear Spray He looked like this…..

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Wetback Who Assaulted Me With Beer Can Gets Divine Just ‘Woke

Wetback Who Assaulted Me With Beer Can Gets Divine Justice ‘Woke

Remember this foo here….. Welp….. ….Ole drunk el chapo looking ass….. You can see he drunk even in his driver’s license pic. Friend said he found it on the side of the road with a bunch of papers strewn about, meaning someone fucked HIM UP! MY FRIEND EVEN SAID he was someone who had fucked with me. Hope they stole his shit! Interestingly the always drunk ass pos works for CHP. This is why you never fuck with a witch….. The brother who works for the department of water and power who called me crazy early this morning and called

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Putting Mofos On Blast Who Celebrated My Attempted Rape

Putting Mofos On Blast Who Celebrated My Attempted Rape

After this happened….. I Beat A White Attempted Rapist Who Tried To Use Bear Spray I noticed a procession of cars following right behind him, celebrating what he did to me, when he went back up Topanga Canyon Blvd (I just got intel he lives somewhere up there ???)….. You can tell by his facial expressions and how he responded he did it. Imma update this blog post when I see more of them…..

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Looking For My Rival ??‍♀️????

Looking For My Rival ??‍♀️????

…..I’ve been told that there is a white girl who goes shirtless further up the pch – I think in Paradise Cove – who is actually HOEING ?? and doesn’t get treated as bad as I do by racist (one thing I gotta say about Mexicans is THEY KNOW THEY GOTTA PAY A BITCH whereas white boys think Imma fuck em for free hence why I throw rocks at em…..) Here is all the debauchery I engaged in – drunk – yesterday….. Somebody trying to put a curse on meh…..

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The Meek Mill Album Cover Is Designed To Help Us Ascend To Our God Selves

The Meek Mill Album Cover Is Designed To Help Us Ascend To Our God Selves

Jay Z know what he’s doing ??? Looka this low vibrational honkkkey…. – Looka all the crakkka christ cesare borgia war-shipping comments of church take-a-knee-grows who claim they are pro black and on a pro black channel yet sucking the dick of crakkka christ and his white false saviour complex having prophet in that video. Here is the shortened version in case they remove it: His face CONTRADICTS his words in that he getting off on it but he is outraged at HIMSELF cause that album cover speaks to a deeper aspect of HIM he don’t wanna own up to:

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