Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump: https://toplessinla.org/2021/01/09/the-covid-destruction-of-businesses-is-meant-to-set-up-for-the-great-reset-aka-hunger-games/ Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things..... I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time. So I am not a simple person.
Perverted Wetback Ass Trash Collector Gets ‘Woked

Perverted Wetback Ass Trash Collector Gets ‘Woked

I ain’t nothing to play with. Before I started messing with crystals I was a satanist so don’t try me. For my patented “rot your dick off ‘woke™️” 🧙🏻‍♀️🗡✏🩸 go here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1124864817/the-black-magick-on-a-dick-woke?ref=listings_manager_grid Don’t play with me. PS Black IS the beast crakkkas thru crakkka christ aka Cesare Borgia tell you to fear…… Satan Is The Black Person’s Kundalini

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Black People Here’s Why They Treat You Like Kids And Steal Your Stuff

Black People Here’s Why They Treat You Like Kids And Steal Your Stuff

A group of idiots probably responding to my Trump 2024 sticker I got posted on the back (wetback)…… They got ya’ll needy DUMBASSES buying into the “We are the world kumbaya” bullshit meanwhile they consolidating THEIR communities and keeping you knee-grows OUT while stealing OUR shit to do it….. just as they do Afrika (Alkebulan): ….And another thing…. them wetbacks are putting spells on ya’ll to make you all wanna align with em 🧙🏻‍♀️🪄 Watch out and take care.

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These Wetbacks Really Think They Are Slick

These Wetbacks Really Think They Are Slick

….It’s giving me “I am entitled to your energy because you are a black womban and you are supposed to bow down cause I am (built like a beaner bean bag beaner pos shit) brown 💩💩💩💩” vibes just like the brown bean bag from yesterday… Wetback Demon Seed Driving CA License Plate 7BXD682 Planned To Kidnap Me As Shown Via My Third Eye One think I HATE is stupidity and I can’t stand how these low IQ, simple minded mofos who can only conjure up stock phrases (and no responses with deeper meaning or critical thought) think they can finesse

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Hispanic Lady Throws Baby Wetback Into The Trash Like He Is

Hispanic Lady Throws Baby Wetback Into The Trash Like He Is

That still is funny, throwing that lil motherfucker in there 🤣😂 I bet it went, “WEeeeeeee” I stand with her on this as I have done it to my lil half bred trick babies before in the past ✊🏻👋🏻👶🏽🗑 How To Use Your Third Eye To Spiritually Induce An Abortion Just Killed Another Lil Basturd Using My Third Eye #ThirdEyeAbortion I also offer the patented “rot your dick off ‘woke” to put on any man who gets you pregnant on Etsy….. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1124864817/the-black-magick-on-a-dick-woke?ref=listings_manager_grid Good! We need more wetbacks to wipe out the las cucarachas of la raza ✊🏻

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I May Be A Trump Supporter But I’m No Bedwench And I’ll Stab Your Ass Honkkkey

I May Be A Trump Supporter But I’m No Bedwench And I’ll Stab Your Ass Honkkkey

I was driving in my car with my ICE shirt and MAGA hat and happened upon a lil short ass energy car with this ole nigger bedwench and her white ass daddy slavemaster, all smiling and grinning at massa like this ole broad here and then they looked up at me forelorningly and I guess he musta thought, “Oh, she a Trump supporter. She a good nigger. We can have a threesome.” Think again…… One thing I HATE more than wetbacks is crakkkas who think you gonna go for them cause they think you ain’t the “usual black.” Bitch I

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Who They Tryin’ To Bury

Who They Tryin’ To Bury

I SWEAR I met these mofos before…. Tryin’ to put spells on people….. I don’t think it’s the same but I think this mofo with the shovel was part of that bear mace celebration attack (that’s why I say my truth and tell folks to kiss my ass unless they black cause these other mofos – esp. wetbacks who have no goodness or decency to begin with don’t give a fuck about me or us) I spoke about in the past….. – Just in case anybody relatives missing 😉 I put some heavy shit on em for that and I

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Wetback Demon Seed Driving CA License Plate 7BXD682 Planned To Kidnap Me As Shown Via My Third Eye

Wetback Demon Seed Driving CA License Plate 7BXD682 Planned To Kidnap Me As Shown Via My Third Eye

– I didn’t like that stare he gave me after he left. It was a straight rapist predatory stare like I’ll be back…. that’s why I ran BACK after his wetback demon seed of Quetzalcoatl ass….. I don’t know WHY for the life of me this WETBACK is gonna go after somebody who hates his very existence and goes outta their way to eradicate it….. Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians John Elliizz’s Book CONFIRMS Wetbacks Are The Demon Seeds of Demonic Reptilians Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians

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Raped By Public Works Workers

Raped By LA County Public Works Workers

It happened on December 13 2021 at around 10:18 am….. Imma show you the two main mofos…. He was smiling here when I was chasing him…. I covered him here….. Wetback Public Works Worker Calls Me Mop Head And One Tries To Run Me Over – I had an astral vision of a dude who fixes cars and rapes womben and his name was Alex Pacheo. Here another one. He more violent and I think he stuck a finger in me as I walked away…. Covered him here. You can see him get near violent with his supervisor…. Employees With

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Sexual Predator Gangstalker In White Car Threatens To Come Back To Harass Me Tomorrow To Run Me Out

Sexual Predator Gangstalker In White Car Threatens To Come Back To Harass Me Tomorrow To Run Me Out

Guarantee he ain’t gonna do that again 🧙🏻‍♀️🪄👤👥👥👥👥🐵🦧 He got a distinct front! He was saying on the tape that he is gonna come back again to fuck with me tomorrow (no you won’t). – Wish I woulda got that license plate. Well I’ll get it tomorrow 😊 You can see me chasing the mofo in the video….. This mofo also witnessed a rape that happened that Imma talk about tomorrow…. THIS IS EXACTLY why the city attorney and judge were gonna drop the case cause they KNOW them losers at Sunset Mesa fuck with me to try to run

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Pervert Bus Driver For Tumbleweed Transportation Parks Right Behind My Van To Stare

Pervert Bus Driver For Tumbleweed Transportation Parks Right Behind My Van To Stare

Press *4 for human resources…. Tumbleweed Transportation 2720 Compton Ave Los Angeles, CA 90011 310-444-3232 Someone about to find out that before I became Queen of The ‘Woke I was Queen 👸🏼 of getting people fired from their jobs 😁 It was bus #145 Don’t play with me. I get strong organic portal energy with this one. He like that trick I saw last night, operating on instinct like an insect I sense…..

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