Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump: https://toplessinla.org/2021/01/09/the-covid-destruction-of-businesses-is-meant-to-set-up-for-the-great-reset-aka-hunger-games/ Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things..... I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time. So I am not a simple person.


Just as they did with Jesus Christ! Look at the big names he associated with! THOSE ARE BIG MODELING AGENCIES – as if they want me to be SEEN (objectified) but not heard! Just as Jesus was tempted by Darkness to partake in ALLL the jewels in the world, I TOLD YA THAT’S HOW THEY ARE GOING TO COME AT ME! Why else would he add me on linkedin? BUT I REJECT IT – VIOLENTLY! That said, in the age where EVERYTHING IS BEING REVEALED, HELLYWEIRD HAS NO PLACE TO GO BUT DOWN and I WANT NO PART OF IT!

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How Netflix Film Bright Reveals A Fear of The Coming Black Messiah

That was an AWESOME FUCKING MOVIE: Reminds me of the film, “End of Watch” SINCE THE DIRECTOR WAS THE SAME: Christopher Ayers! – Ya boy obsessed with cops, eh? Funny, I just noticed that “Bright” got 6.6 for reviews while “End of Watch” got 7.7 which correlates BIG in numerology: https://www.sunsigns.org/angel-numbers-mixed-sequence-repeating-7-6/ It means mastering both the material AND spiritual realms which “Bright” shows by maintaining our modern society as we know it to be with mythological characters: Also, it’s the same sequence of numbers which can be found on Los Angeles Sheriff Deputy Thieme whom I talk about here: ‎toplessinla.org/2017/10/19/black-woman-sexually-assaulted-by-deputy-konrad-thieme-of-the-lost-hills-los-angeles-sheriffs-department

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Tip of the Day: Those Who Ain’t Got BOAST ABOUT WHAT THEY AIN’T GOT

Poor mofos! Always poor mofos talking about money! I’ll clue you in on something – those who talk about the debt instruments otherwise known as money here (they break it down for you in plain sight): https://www.thebalance.com/how-is-the-fed-monetizing-debt-3306126 are really those who make “money” their “god” cause they never had. Let me explain: when you grew up getting what you want – you start to see past the matrix and the matrix itself for what it is. For instance, I think to myself, in an alternate reality, would I have been happen if I made alot of money and was the

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Tip of the Day: EAT RAW EGGS And Bathe In Ocean Water

Imma start a series called “Tip of the day” since alot of great ideas come to me but because they are too short – I don’t share em here which I should start doing, after all, cause of what I say they are trying to eliminate me off of social media: AND the internet: https://toplessinla.org/2017/10/17/google-is-so-intimidated-by-me-they-are-now-sending-fake-pro-black-government-shills-to-shut-down-my-site/ cause I’m truly a threat! Here’s my take: “Raw eggs raises your Chi force (Chinese for life force energy). They also help open your third eye more (If – I believe – it’s already opened). I find I get ALOT of energy when I eat

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Weird And Foreboding Out of Body Experience With View of Past Life

I want ya’ll to take a look at my reptilian eyes with one before the shapeshift then after: PROOF the shit’s REAL (look at the columns of pics and noticed those two pics above were taken side by side): I’m starting to become One; I’m so happy. Anyways, I’m becoming completed much like the number 9 (my expression number which means destiny) which indicates completion. For the longest period of time I’ve been longed for an out of body experience but it seemed after leaving my old apartment. I learned what helps is is to be in places where there’s

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How Drinking Period Blood IS Drinking Adrenochrome

…You ain’t gotta murder anybody to get it, reptilians! Before I begin, I was doing some dumb shit, walking barefoot at the gas station: DAMN! LOOK AT THE GAS PRICES AND THIS IS DURING HOLLIDAY SEASON IN MALIBU, TOO! Contrast that with the gas prices found in central L.A. mid wilshire area: Also, OF GREATER INTEREST, look at this solar flare AKA MESSAGE FROM THE SUN THAT APPEARED ON MY LEFT WRIST: It’s funny because I would do rituals using triangles as taught to me by the “entities” in my old apartment through sage smoke. Speaking of triangles and rituals…

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Mysterious Green Light Beaming Across From Malibu

Here the green light I’m talking about: BTW, last night the sheriffs’ helicopters were flying overhead near that Ocean’s restaurant in Malibu and the SOB was flying MAD LOW! Buy both vids here [purchase_link id=”30022″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I also heard a weird pulsating “boop” sound much like whales are said to emit which sounds much like the Taos Hum: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”30026″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This is strange but I’ve been seeing this light go off and on for awhile now… Saw it last night: Couple of nights before, too: I’ve been seeing this phenomenon for quite

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Why President Trump Was Right To Say Mexican Men ARE RAPISTS

Before you read this (this is unprecedented for me to do this ie a “disclaimer” cause I’m supposed to be like “Fuck your feelings” and keep it real but I wanna be real here)…. In my life, I’VE MET MANY COOL HISPANICS WHO WERE THE COOLEST PEOPLE MET WHITE FOLKS! I THINK HISPANICS ARE SOME OF THE NICEST MOST DOWN TO EARTH PEOPLE – ESP. THE MEXICANS – AND YA’LL DON’T GET ENOUGH CREDIT FOR HOW KIND YA’LL ARE (I RECALL AFTER GETTING OUT OF JAIL, SOME HISPANICS OFFERED ME BEER TO CHILL, LOL – YA’LL DON’T REALLY BE ON

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Deity Syncing

There’s a new phenomenon that I’ve coined call: deity syncing Basically – and this is before my FULL awareness of how the Demiurge tries to fuck up things… I sincerely believed that maybe – just maybe – the deities who I felt were getting attached to me were doing so cause I have a rare ability, something most mortals don’t have which is to serve as a “conduit to the gods”. Now, I don’t think so. I discuss those experiences here… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”30010″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]

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Crazy Nightmare Involving Libations and The Grigori

For you slow mofos who don’t know who the Grigori are, they are an “angelic race” – rather, fallen – of watchers who basically shepherd humanity much as Jesus was said in the Bible to do the same to humanity: http://www.sjgames.com/in-nomine/draft/Grigori.html Descendants of the Grigori were known to be sorcerers, sorceress, witches (like muah here!) and other very powerful people who many people feared – and loathed. They, the descendants of these “fallen angels”, “The Watchers”, Grigori could even change the human course of history. They call us the Nephilim. I believe I have some of their genes, hence why

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