Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump:
Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things.....
I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time.
So I am not a simple person.
I AM SOOO HAPPY! I am SOOO HAPPY! I AM SO SO SO HAPPY – I WROTE IN ALL CAPS, LOL! WHOA – it was vivid and I think I’ll get better at navigating – I hope! That said, I went back to sleep after waking up early this morning. I WILL TELL YOU: THERE IS A SCIENCE TO IT but I am just in the beginning stages of mastery it. Make a long story short – I worked with the energy of my body so I could PUSH my ass out! I left through the side of my body.
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THIS JUST IN: WHAT IS POSSIBLY HIS UGLYVASS WIFE FUCKING CONFIRMED IT BY CALLING ME A NIGGER WHICH YOU CAN READ HERE: See, I am HIGHLY intuitive and be knowing WHAT THE FUCK I AM TALKING ABOUT!!! …quite possibly! ******ATTENTION EVERYBODY***** ********ATTENTION EVERYBODY********* **ATTENTION EVERYBODY** – PS look at what the word count says: 637, the SAME numbers of my old apartment back on Hauser Blvd, lol! ANYWAYS, I AIN’T GAY – BUT HIS WIFE IS MAAD MOTHERFUCKING HOT! Mad hot! Here some NYMPHO (Quoting Dinero Red), I mean, INFO I FOUND: HERE SHE IS!!!! Here them two, together, lol:
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I ain’t gonna lie… the dude in the video who approached me is cute!!! Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”30857″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] That said, as you can clearly see in the video above… And in contrast to the video below, here: The Lost Hills Sheriffs gave a white dude – IN AN RV – PARKED ON THE SAME SIDE OF THE ROAD WHERE THEY THREATENED ME FOR ILLEGALLY PARKING A JUMP FOR HIS RV…. ALL THE WHILE NOT ONLY NOT HELPING ME WHEN I NEEDED A JUMP, BUT THREATENING ME WITH WARRANTS WHEN I ASKED: Buy vids here [purchase_link id=”30052″
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Here’s the pic I took of them: Here is a video I shot of it: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”30852″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] I noticed when I was looking via the black scrying mirror otherwise known as my cellphone I caught these dimunitive entities that looked like fingers moving at the top of the back trunk. It was a trip! I dunno if they were sent for me or what they are but I can see 4th Dimensionally (Yeah, my vision is that advanced), above a certain light spectrum, and I’ve been hearing the movement of jewelry once and something
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With payment of course cause it ain’t like my ass got money to be running to your city to be doing personal studies/lectures one on one or for a whole audience (though it would be nice to do that in an ALTRUISTIC SOCIETY where survival did not depend on fiat notes aka dollar bills): You can watch MORE regarding why I wrote that on the 20 dollar bill, here: https://toplessinla.org/2017/11/21/9-to-5-jobs-are-a-humiliation-ritual/ THAT SAID, seeing the popularity of my site given the subject matter I talk about I think it is rather high time for me to take the spreading aka dissemination
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…Despite having mediocre ass music. I’ll explain how: Okay, back when I needed money and was forced into one of the archon worship-spiritual systems LIKE HYPO-CHRISTIANITY (OF WHICH IS ONE) along with palo mayombe and other spiritual and/or religious systems – both MASSive (the Demiurge and Archons use MASS worship to generate alot of energy via which to sustain themselves on hence why they had “Jesus” say he is “herding a flock of sheep – SHEEPLE – of which YOU ALL ARE THE SHEEP) and small – in which in my case I was forced into “satanism”. That said, while
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Aside from the laughter I saw from some of the cops they day after the attack happened… here’s another reason why I KNOW shit won’t be done about the attack! Look at the report: NOTICE IT SAYS BURGLARY, NEVERMIND THIS HAPPENED: I don’t wanna post all the pictures but you can see here: https://toplessinla.org/2018/02/06/i-was-attacked-last-night/ That said, YES HE DID TAKE MY CELLPHONE AND EVIDENTLY DROPPED IT SOMEWHERE AROUND THERE CAUSE THE COPS WERE ABLE TO FIND IT but yet THE BIG THING WAS THE ASSAULT, I HAD BLOOD ALL OVER ME SO WHY NOT LIST IT AS TO WHAT IT
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::2020 update: I looked JUSS LIKE DAT, LOL:: This was a very interesting vision to say the least… THIS HAD TO HAVE BEEN a past life… no other way around it… Basically, in a past life from what I saw, I was (note I got the phrase “I saw” followed by “I was” which is “I saw” in reverse, lol) evidently I was a little rich blonde white girl who lived HIGH atop a mountain with two doting, MEGA WEALTHY parents who were very nice people but wielded ALOT of power. It seemed like it might have been during colonial
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That said, I don’t remember much of the details but one thing that STOOD OUT THE MOST regarding this vision I had early this morning about this case here: https://toplessinla.org/2018/02/06/i-was-attacked-last-night/ is that LAPD won’t solve it because they felt like it was my fault and that is real fucked up to say the least! I will come back with more details and update as things move along…
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While researching something else (I SWEAR the spirit STAYS revealing shit to me) I caught this… Here is the video (May wanna download it before youtube takes it down): That said, I notice the new trend now is for HELL-LUMINATI “STARS” – NOTICE THEY HAVE ALWAYS CALLED SELLebs “Stars” because it connotes to the 5 pointed star – the pentagram which and rightfully so means “Perfect Woman” and worship of the WOMBan (the moon) which the 5th element exposed, here: https://toplessinla.org/2017/05/17/the-fifth-element-film-reveals-christ-the-redeemer-will-be-a-black-woman/ – The 6 pointed star by the way, the popular so called “Star of Solomon, David” whatever is really
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