MezzycanTs Claim Whites Stole Land Through Rape

MezzycanTs Claim Whites Stole Land Through Rape

I had to laugh when I saw this ish:

The way I heard how in Tijuana and such places how they throw themselves at even the sleaziest and poorest, nastiest looking of whyte men cause to them Whyte skin is like gold, currency – it is cause the entity that created them, Quetzalcoatl, would shapeshift into a whyte man (that’s why they saw the conquering Spaniards as “gods” – makes me laugh at the notion they got raped for their land.

Them mofos want whyte dyck cause they wannabe whyte so no way in hell can they get raped by one.

She more than likely just wanted to practice her propensities for sadistic violence and torture the poor guy like they do in modern cartel behaeadings just to get a sadistic kick cause after all their creator gods are evil spirits (my ancient Khemetian ancestors showed me A LOT about them and affirmed what I had felt all alone) including the reptilian human eating dragon, Quetzalcoatl, who was beneath the Khemetians.

I’ll do an article in the future on this and what I learned on them.

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