Successful Entity Extraction and Coming Back From The 5th Dimension

Before I begin going into what it is that I wanna talk about…. I wanted to mention that last Thursday night I spotted this strange juxtaposition of this ufo orb “star” next to the moon…. ?+⭐=?

– Also peep how unusually wide my eyes look…. almost alien, like “future human” in appearance…. I HATE the new format of wordpress. The older version was mad easier….

Anyways, before I get into the heart ❤ of things….

I overheard some wetbucks last night talking shit about me, saying “Leave” and at one point I overheard him telling another chick to chuck a rock at me:

That’s when I came out and approached – after all, sticks and stones may hurt me but words….

Well, can’t say what I am about to say cause for A VERY LONG TIME a teacher’s words impacted me.

Anyways, more on them….

I peep folks be coming out here, late at night, trying to get me to cum out my car so they can sea tiddays….

Just to let ya’ll know…. I hear and…. don’t fuck with me! The rest of it is funny: I’ll hear mugs say mayate which I know is all fun and games designed to get me up outta my car but when mugs starting talking about fucking up my car – my home ?=? – that’s a problem and that’s when I’ll do drastic shit to protect.

I’m a human being. I deserve respect. If I’m not given that, I’ll take it.

I also saw a ufo….

That being said, onto entity attachments….

Thru the power of one of my stones (I won’t say cause I know my enemies are watching and I DO NOT want to give them the cure to my Christopher Caseings which, when the site is fully back up, will have it’s own portal), it removed it. It removed it for me…

As I talked about here:

A teacher – an ole crazay mayate bitch by the name of Ms. Preston, told me to drop the English accent whilst I was in the midst of a strong energetic kundalini awakening. For those of you out there that don’t know what that is – okay, as you’ve probably seen in medical books:

When you have a kundalini awakening, it’s rep’ed (get it, rep as in reptilian ?) by two snakes coiled together. It is really the reemerging of lost powers that the chiaturi, the reptilian-devil species who stole our ancient spiritual abilities (we had telepathy, telekinesis, all that at one point) stole from us from way back when in exchange for spiritually debilitating tech. the Honorable Credo Mutwa talks about it here:

If you don’t feel like listening to a 2 hour lecture, hear ?? the cliff notes here:

Now, from MY experience, wheh you have a TRUE kundalini awakening – there is a reuniting between the right half and left half of the brains. THEY WILL BE IN PERFECT SYNC. Energy WILL be surging thru you like, unlike no other time. You will also be extremely sensitive meaning empathic (taking on other folks’ energies) and that’s how dat hoe got me….

It took a long time to bring about balance but I did. I got peace now flowing in my energy body. I had to learn my energy body and close off that part that made me empathic. I forgot to say that it made me a genius x1000 over!

I also rescued and cleansed – with my energy AND, ESP. the help of that stone – my past lives, the most prominent of one was as a white blonde mormon girl, which I discussed here:

Black Woman’s Past Life As A Rich Little Blonde White Girl Who Ran Away From Home With An Old White Man

That past life IS VERY strong! It’s no coincidence that ever since I was a little girl I was called the “white girl” and have always had an attraction for white men. In all my astral projections, lucid dreams I am ALWAYS white and female, which reps my soul essence. Even when I’m hard, it comes off as “white girl hard” to most folks which is not that intimidating. That’s why I do that topless thing…. That white past life is VERY strong!

There was, just as I had blonde hair blue eyes, a plain white kid now residing in the midwest who in his past life was a black woman who died in a house fire in the 90s in Chicago. She saw that white light which is a trick to induce you into the reincarnation matrix trap which is dicussed here:

Exposing the Reincarnation Deception: Your Soul is Enslaved

Here is the young man discussing his black female past life:

I – like my mom – theorize – why gay people exist. It is also why those who are transracial, like myself, exist. It’s a soul thing. This is why I HATE when mayate mofos be on that racial conformist shit, only focusing on the physical, the exterior of the person when they lack the level of consciousness (witch ??‍♀️ is what I have) to understand THAT YOU ARE YOUR FUCKING SOUL. YOU WILL go thru many incarnations but your soul is who you are and some soul incarnations – like in my case – WILL BE stronger than others.

Folks like myself who are more our soul and not our physical bodies are here to teach you all a lesson which is about the soul. That’s why transgenders and now the (soon to be acknowledged) transgenders exist.

I’ve had numerous incarnations on Earth. I had to do a soul cleansing on ALL them splinter parts. See, when you go thru trauma – even in this life when you fucking drink and black out – a piece of your soul leaves and won’t come back without your direct intervention. That is what is called soul loss. You have to retrieve it via what is called soul retrieval to become whole. It ain’t an easy process.

I realise now that, just as folks say that when you open your dna it opens you to your ancestors (now knowing my past life I now know WHY the “ancestors” in this current life hate me cause I look likw in the astral the mugs who enslaved them), it opens you up to your past lives and it was drawing from all the soul essences from my past lives that gave me that powerful spurt of energy I felt with the kundalini awakening.

This some real shamanic shit I’m dealing with….

That being said, onto the 5th dimensional activities I engaged in the astral….

Last night I had a series of astral projection experiences in which were intense to say the least….

The first one, I was out here by the beach and I was getting ready to remove a curse off a neighbor from my old area and then these two guys….

The second one that followed was of me as a teacher in a high school. I went topless. This was in Texas for some strange reason. Another queer ie gay teacher ✊?✊??️‍? approved and a cop was brought on board. While staring at the tiddays, lol….

He checked the law. Was mad professional. He approved. There’s some correlation to the regular ole 3D world from this so I’m trying to figure the link.

Now that I think about it…. a teacher in Texas who watches me wanting to emulate what I do ???? and just know you will be getting favour and not sacked.

Now the last one was the most disturbing (also, right before going to sleep I felt an entity attachment on my crown chakra so this is probs. what influenced it)…..

I was living in a beautiful apartment building – a place I’ve been to in the astral many times: it was light, alot of light coming in….

Then I came across this Russian kid scientist and a “comrade” (?) He stuck out very much so he somebody in the 3D realm as well, probs someone who watches me….

That being said, there was a guy at his door who I guess he zombified as well. There was a woman who was his handler: a government agent. They were both Russian. I was told by the Russian NOT to talk to the dude who was being handled by the door.

Next thing I know the Russian gubermint agent lady took me outside to tell me not to talk to the dude, the why not beind why we can’t talk and then….

While looking out the window, a giant meat blob approached (probably what was on my crown chakra) and it was trying to come in to eat me. The water of the ocean came all the way up to where the window was.

Then I saw more weird, zombified people (I got the sense that the Russian kid zombifies folks and deforms them into monsters….)…. Then I came to.

He might of been the person using spells to place that meat monster blob on my crown chakra. Imma see who that is astrally so I can #ChristopherCase™ that ass:

Anyways, I took my spiritual bath this morning and threw that shit off my head. Alot of that shit is energy, so it’s easy to do….


If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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