He ain’t looking like a crackhead high on meth for nothing poor thing. Here is how he looked when he was married to his first wife: he looked sneaky ass fuck seriously! But he still had light aka a Soul in him. Now look at how Soulless he looks with Giselle: This when they first got married. Notice she had no light in her eyes and his either. This was the start of the energy drain: Looking at the vis a vis comparison….. He went from looking smoking hot to looking like he smoking crack 🚬🔥 She was using this
Read moreDay: September 10, 2022
Astralworld 7: Breaking Barbara’s Machine
The most insecure people who are not whole in themselves seek to dominate others for power. That is the case with Barbara. That said, I was journey through the astral plane, traveling when I kept running into those machines I mentioned occupied by people – usually men – with those booming ass voices. Those guys usually had a misogynistic bent about them which I hated and the women I witnessed would acquiesce to that bull. That said, I wanted to destroy them machines to get to the crux of the Gooru issue. I recall trying to bring down one machine
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