Never Make Yourself A Martyr

Never Make Yourself A Martyr

– Got dox on standby….. – I also am not nor will participate in any news stories so if word gets back of someone claiming that I did you will pay πŸ§™πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸͺ„πŸ¦–πŸ‘€ Especially if those same people never helped and would not help you! That is why my favourite phrase to live by is by Adolf Hitler which is….. “Close your eyes to pity, act brutality!” Do not be part of Yaldabaoth’s Jesus Archon Sacrifice Program…. The Archon Jesus Soul Sacrifice Program Part 2: The Emotional Slaves To The Organic Portals Programming How The Image of Jesus Is Used To

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Watch Out For  A Roach Swarm Zombie Apocalypse And Sexual Deviant Dreams

Watch Out For A Roach Swarm Zombie Apocalypse And Sexual Deviant Dreams

Here is an example of a “roach swarm” dream (really nightmare) curse…… A roach swarm dream curse attracts low vibrational grunginess which manifests in an inexplicable dark aura around you which attracts low vibrational ravenously focused on “survival” types with no consciousness of higher states of being and, thus, like a roach, operate in a frenzied, aggressive, kamikaze like manner – indicative of a roach. It is the energy of the root chakra in reverse: Zombie apocalypse dream curses manifests as organic portals attacking you. No real further explanation. Sexual deviant dream curses usually manifests as this….. I Am REALLY

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The Amber Heard Johnny Depp Trial Is A Diversion To Coverup Archon UFOs Kidnapping The Celebrities Who Made Deals With Them To Eat Them

The Amber Heard Johnny Depp Trial Is A Diversion To Coverup Archon UFOs Kidnapping The Celebrities Who Made Deals With Them To Eat Them

There was something called Project Bluebeam that is sorta akin to this in that it mentions a fake ufo light show before “G” sets out to destroy the world….. ….It’s funny because awhile back a sister was communicating with me that she had a “dream” about seeing these squidward looking reptilians returning back to where they came…. For clarification on this I used my third eye and saw exactly what I said above: Kobe Bryant’s Death Was A Sacrifice For The Demon He Sold His Soul To John Ellizz’s All Seeing Eye Book Confirms That Christians and Muslims War-ship

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To Sun Moon Stars Intuitive Tarot And Other Black Spiritualists WATCH YOUR ENERGY AROUND WETBACKS

To Sun Moon Stars Intuitive Tarot And Other Black Spiritualists WATCH YOUR ENERGY AROUND WETBACKS

I would NOT even let them in 🀚🏻πŸšͺ – I can’t tell ya how many blacks thank me for exposing their ASStecs….. – This poor girl….. I broke it down this week….. Proof That Blacks Need To Avoid Wetbacks Being In Their Personal Energy Space Because Wetbacks Are Energy Vampire Leeches These creatures are natural, innate energy vampires. Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians John Elliizz’s Book CONFIRMS Wetbacks Are The Demon Seeds of Demonic Reptilians They are literally some form of a

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Remove The Ego A False demiURGE Yaldabaoth Archon Matrix False Sense Designed To Feed Organic Portals And Archons

Remove The Ego A False demiURGE Yaldabaoth Archon Matrix False Self Designed To Feed Organic Portals And Archons

That ego was the heart of the urges designed to hold me back and keep me down…. I removed mines last night that looked like this – it will usually look grimey and ghoulish or downright demonic (based on the disposition the demiURGE aka Yaldabaoth wants to cast into you in the material body he fashioned): ….And it was THE MOST RELAXING feeling, like a huge weight was taken off my Soul…… When I pulled it out, I saw it tied to etheric chords that was carrying with it droves and droves of entities, meaning entity infestation….. As explained here:

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It’s MORGUE OFFICIAL: If Youtube Is Putting Them On And They Are Starting A Call Dass An Agent

It’s MORGUE OFFICIAL: If Youtube Is Putting Them On And They Are Starting A Call Dass An Agent

Look at the color scheme….. If you can’t see he fake I don’t know what else will…. The mofo’s collar is the sigil of baphomet….. – It’s an upside down star, upside down pentagram….. If that is not an obvious sign that he is part of the Yaldabaoth-Archon-Matrix trap, I don’t know what is….. He trying to get people to join some new (c)age cult called, “Hyperianism”….. Here is some paid fake reviewer paid to buttress his bullshit….. C’mon, man! The name “Morgue” = death! …..The ghastly white visage that is reminiscient of the reptilian like Morlocks who ate the

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