There Is Power In Being Known As a Racist Bitch

There Is Power In Being Known As a Racist Bitch

Look at the thumbnail screenshot for when I uploaded “I am proud to be a racist” on Youtube….. LOL! I’ve always felt there was a power in the phrase “racist bitch.” It is an energy that denotes exclustivity, that you can not have access to me on your terms but you gotta cow tow to me, placate me to reach me but it will never happen…… This is why I take pride – and pleasure – in being known for this. I find that – especially when facing the serpent seeds of Quetzalcoatl 👇🏻 Proof That Blacks Need To Avoid

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Never Make Yourself A Martyr

Never Make Yourself A Martyr

– Got dox on standby….. – I also am not nor will participate in any news stories so if word gets back of someone claiming that I did you will pay 🧙🏻‍♀️🪄🦖👤 Especially if those same people never helped and would not help you! That is why my favourite phrase to live by is by Adolf Hitler which is….. “Close your eyes to pity, act brutality!” Do not be part of Yaldabaoth’s Jesus Archon Sacrifice Program…. The Archon Jesus Soul Sacrifice Program Part 2: The Emotional Slaves To The Organic Portals Programming How The Image of Jesus Is Used To

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Watch Out For  A Roach Swarm Zombie Apocalypse And Sexual Deviant Dreams

Watch Out For A Roach Swarm Zombie Apocalypse And Sexual Deviant Dreams

Here is an example of a “roach swarm” dream (really nightmare) curse…… A roach swarm dream curse attracts low vibrational grunginess which manifests in an inexplicable dark aura around you which attracts low vibrational ravenously focused on “survival” types with no consciousness of higher states of being and, thus, like a roach, operate in a frenzied, aggressive, kamikaze like manner – indicative of a roach. It is the energy of the root chakra in reverse: Zombie apocalypse dream curses manifests as organic portals attacking you. No real further explanation. Sexual deviant dream curses usually manifests as this….. I Am REALLY

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