Proof That Blacks Need To Avoid Wetbacks Being In Their Personal Energy Space Because Wetbacks Are Energy Vampire Leeches

Proof That Blacks Need To Avoid Wetbacks Being In Their Personal Energy Space Because Wetbacks Are Energy Vampire Leeches

– RIGHT AFTER publishing this article….. looka what happens…… …..Tis CA license plate number AW09B67. – As I say before, always trying to steal energy but I wasn’t having it 🪳🚿🇲🇽 Yeah, I am a “racist” as far as ya’ll are concerned #MAGA2024 #DeportTheDemonSeedsOut #BuildTheWall LOL! There is an old saying that goes, “Real G’s move in silence”…… – I already ‘woked this dumb wetback lol so I know it is already going through it….. And this thing here….. It is an organic portal that is under a sacrificial head thus it has no power….. Here’s it’s info…… It also

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