I was searching for a pic of a transwoman when I came across this article….. https://www.ebar.com/news/latest_news//302364 And this pic here….. Look at the pic to your right…. it’s starting….. ?? That said, just listen: I notice that as gays rejected the transgenders as they went mainstream, so too are the transgenders doing to the next up and coming rejected and misunderstood – like they themselves still are – group in an effort to maintain the meager acceptance they are now getting from the lamestream (still gotta looong way to go tho. ???️⚧️)…… I make some DAMN good points but
Read moreDay: February 27, 2021
There Is A Big Difference Between Being A Transracial White Woman And A Bedwench
This is not me….. Bedwench Christelyn Karazin BEGS Homeless RACIST White Bum For A Compliment There is a difference between me and her and I expound on it here….. These people are like me…. Exactly….. This is what the transracial black gentleman was trying to say (many, including transgenders) can’t put into words what is truly going on with them and why they are the way they are….. My Soul is white but my outer PHYSICAL appearance is black. I break down what it truly means to be transracial. Here is a flag I came up with representing black
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