Illegal Wetback Impersonates Cop To TRY To Take Advantage of Me

Illegal Wetback Impersonates Cop To TRY To Take Advantage of Me

Fat mofo looking like he in a cartel…. Wetback ass probably is…. La miiiigraaaaa I was born for this shit. I was born to combat diss shit. Imma file a police report! This is crazy.   Here is his license plate: CA license plate #06316J2 This mofo was one of those assholes who just moseyed on past me to STARE like a leecherous animal and when I called him out, he didn’t like that. I can only wonder – look, all the wetback wetback shit aside – how many women he done taken advantage of who were on the periphery

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The Crazy Shit I Saw With My New Baby Telescope

The Crazy Shit I Saw With My New Baby Telescope

Looks like a whole new dimension, like seeing into the 4D. I SWEAR cause the telescope can “see” at the same light spectrum that cats and dogs can see, I been seeing some shit, 4th dimensionally! The first night I saw 3 lights in a triangular pattern (peep the triangle = reptilian symbolism which always follows me) RIGHT ABOVE MY CAR AFTER USING IT. Saw it for a brief sec then it disappeared. The next day I then saw right over the ocean while I was in Topanga a ghetto look mothership that looked ALOT like this except it had

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More Proof That Wetbucks Are Reptilian Demon Seeds And Need To Be Taken Off The Planet

More Proof That Wetbucks Are Reptilian Demon Seeds And Need To Be Taken Off The Planet

******UPDATE****** Looka this! On an instagram post a brother mentioned that a stone statue was erected to a fucking reptilian in Peru aka South America. Now do you see what I’m saying ? I’ve seen the light. Looka these comments after watching this video here: Even on a post showing pro Trump Mexicans (even they know what’s up), looka this…. Even then they gotta make racist comments about blacks. Let me break to you DOWN what is going on with them. Looka this as one tries to fight a poor innocent hard working man after stealing this poor man’s tires…

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I Told Ya’ll In Malibu I Was Gonna Woolsey Fyre Fest 2.0 Dat Azz

I Told Ya’ll In Malibu I Was Gonna Woolsey Fyre Fest 2.0 Dat Azz

Malibu Is Gonna Get Another Fire ‘Woke AND I Feel I Am Revenge For What Ya’ll Did To Mitrice Richardson Fuck I Got Pyrokinesis: Malibu Gets Fyre Fest ‘Woke After I Thought It ::::Que Juicy J:::: Don’t play with me….. After a visit from the Malibu gangstalking committee: The Foreign Sexual Harassment Division….   THIS happens //woosh// – AND RIGHT where I fucking stay….. And ya’ll STILL had to gangstalk….   Thought that was a wetbuck…. Anyways….. I gotta get back to healing and try to break free of the reptilians and “god” the demiurge so I can use

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