Demon Alters Timeline And Navy Shows Me The Matrix In Astral Vision

Demon Alters Timeline And Navy Shows Me The Matrix In Astral Vision

Wow, I CAUGHT A PICTURE OF THE REPTILIAN THAT CAUSED THE TIME MATRIX DISTORTING I AM TALKING ABOUT: Here a close up….. That’s crystal fucking clear…. Before I begin….. Karma a mofo!   Be careful who you fuck with! A week ago when this happened….. I Got Into A Fight With A White Dude Who Is In The Entertainment Industry This low self esteem having, drug addicted, kuehn low vibratory ass mofo was calling himself trying to run me out of Malibu (cause I won’t lower myself to fucking him – plus he black!):   This a low vibratory mofo.

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I Warned Ya’ll About This Timeline That Our Babies Will Grow Up During Martial Law

I Warned Ya’ll About This Timeline That Our Babies Will Grow Up During Martial Law

I had an astral vision awhile back in which I saw a future – it was far far into the future like 2539 – where EVERYONE was bunched into the cities, living piled up on top of each other like sardines: Pregnancy Dreams And Realizing Who I Truly Am That’s Agenda 21. – What I saw looked like THAT but the apartments were square room cubicles painted white. I WARNED YOU ALL by telling you all of a natal chart that I saw back in 1999 that used to be what was once called where it showed via my

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