Stupid People Who Arrogantly Ignore Spiritual Signs

Stupid People Who Arrogantly Ignore Spiritual Signs

Mofos just don’t know… Some mofos are gonna be getting that Christopher Case treatment… I just wanna say that white people in particular ARE SOME DUMB MOFOS!!! They have no spiritual protection in general cause they don’t havd souls. Baba Bobby Hemmitt breaks it down… In all honesty, they have an arrogance that’s too their detriment. They underestimate people, things while thinking the whold world revolves around. I understand cause they have no spiritual consciousness. THEY PROJECT! They arrogantly have a tendency to ASSume you think like them or that you should aks white “manifest destiny”: Even Colin Flaherty

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Topless Audit of Gas Stations And Many Other Things

Topless Audit of Gas Stations And Many Other Things

Imma start doing that same shit that them copwatchers be doing which will be audits of places, checking to see if they follow the Unruh Act per topless rights (the Unruh Act is a POWERFUL piece of legislation which pushes for equal treatment meaning if they let a man in topless, they will havd to allow womben as well). I will call these “topless audits”, lol! Shit’s gotta start somewhere… I may have to sue but not for monetary but more for social justice just as I did with the LAPD! I remember when I first started going topless I

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Astral Projection Experience In Which I Saw My Spirit Guide

Astral Projection Experience In Which I Saw My Spirit Guide

This. was. crazy! That said, well, before I begin, let me show you all something… This dude thinks crakkka christ aka cesare borgia will protect him: [purchase_link id=”31404″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] LOL! He probably heard about me and his demonic harried ass decided to put all that, what my grandmother would call “monkey shine” up for protection, lol! I also peeped the image of Isis appearing in the spot where someone who tried to fuck over me spiritually used to park (I noticed that nigga can’t sleep and was up at 5am, lol): – That’s why you don’t fuck with

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