Wetbacks Attack Black Bus Driver As She Is Working

I had three days of what I call “purging” – so I am done! As a child it would manifest in the form of horrible, violent mood swings but now it’s doing crazy shit on the pch lol: I don’t know WHAT THE FUCK had been getting into me lately…. it’s like the most low vibratory energy just pulling me down towards just excessive material shit, like doing too much materially…. Anyways, the other day I was watching this black lady on youtube: Here she is tearfully recounting her story: Here are some wetbacks JUSTIFYING what they did – blaming

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Bunch of Stories Today: Billionaires Become Richer Off Of George Floyd Riots And More

Before I get into that…. I just want to take the time to say thank you to whoever burned this la raza station down: ….Burn those wetbucks, spic and cspans out ??? Thank you ?? Anyways, with that being said, I had one helluva night ? I confronted some g@@ks for talking shit on my being topless saying why am I here, why she allowed – like I need permission to be doing what I want with my own body – to do it (witchcraft heaux ??‍♀️), and other shit. I also confronted the crakkka who was talking shit with

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New York Is Now The Ground Zero For The Awakening of George Soro’s Martial Law Agenda

SMDH! Protest done abated in the “ground zero” epicenter Minneapolis where poor mk ultra VICTIM, Derek Chauvin, was ORDERED under mk ultra programming to kill George Floyd: – Looka the subliminals….. The occult #6 in numerology which resonates with the material realm and in this case is being used to induce chaos as the old illuminati saying goes: “Ordo Ab Chao” = Out of Order comes Chaos Then you got this demonic symbol here (I am very faniliar with sigils being a former satanist and all)…. That being said, look at this mugshot of Derek Chauvin (look at the eyes

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