John Ellizz’s All Seeing Eye Book Confirms That Christians and Muslims War-ship A Reptilian So Called Good

John Ellizz’s All Seeing Eye Book Confirms That Christians and Muslims War-ship A Reptilian So Called God

You all have to read this book! Here are some excerpts I am using to buttress what I am about to say that I have endured with these things which are reeeeally in sync with his experiences….. That being said as I have said before they – the reptilians, the skeletal archon entity, the archons period – do something to alter your brainwaves and energy body thus using you to unwittingly carry out self sabotaging and destructive things designed to undermine me…… That’s the cause behind why I unwittingly absorb folks’ energies….. Has Anyone Else Had Issues Entities Attaching

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How To Remove Evil Entities That You Were Sacrificed To Before You Hit The Other Side

How To Remove Evil Entities That You Were Sacrificed To Before You Hit The Other Side

Before I begin, I have arrived….. I had an astral vision in which I saw a white woman with reddish blonde hair wearing military garb who worked for the US military. I saw that she was hunting to kill an Asian female activist who I saw who looked like your typical Asian – round face, her skin was The Simpsons yellow tho. and wearing a white night gown flowy summer dress….. Anyways I saw that the lady had ran into some barracks which turned into a vacation spot where I sighted some hunters all talking about their vacation – and

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Don’t Take That Covid Shot: Man DIES After Taking Covid 19 Flu Shot

Don’t Take That Covid Shot: Man DIES After Taking Covid 19 Flu Shot

Somebody asked me if I was gonna take that ??? Leave that shit alone….. A nurse also got sick from it, deathly ill from taking a vax and she got sacked for speaking on it from said hospital she worked:   They are – as the bible predicted – gonna start mandating people take this shit, which has a microchip in it aka the “mark of the beast” the buy-bull predicted…..   This is per the Great Reset where no one will own anything and where we will be placed on Universal Basic Income (hence why they are using

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I Am So Happy To Have ME Back

I Am So Happy To Have ME Back

The night after “talking” with that evil skeletal archon entity he tried it…..   You can’t associate with everybody…..   As pointed out here….. I Got PROOF That A Skeletal Archon Entity And A Demon of Lust Are Around Me Fucking With Me Some people got demons on they asses – which will transfer onto you – like it is no one’s business so you gotta protect yourself esp. as you heal! The crazy thing is…. when I first separated from these dudes – I mean CRAZY synchronicities been getting set up to unite me with these douches – I

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Why Womben Need To Avoid Niggaz With The Baby Boy Mentality

Why Womben Need To Avoid Niggaz With The Baby Boy Mentality

This is why I am thankful that my friends have been gay men…. and even they can be on some shit….. This is a baby boy….. Black Ass Crip Gangmember Attempts To Rape Me And Attacks Dude This nigger is the type who hates women and esp. strong womben ?? – like me – but just “gotta be” around us to leech off our strenght, even trying to attack us in a rapist manner, just as these niggers leeched off they ma’s tithe aka tit ? Here another one….. You can see the misogyny and desire to control women seething

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Black Ass Gangmember Attempts To Rape Me And Attacks Dude

Black Ass Crip Gangmember Attempts To Rape Me And Attacks Dude

I just saw those niggers via my third eye are planning to come to my vehicle late at night, get me out and try to pull me into their car. I gotta do something about them. ??‍♀️?? Fucking niggers. This fucks with my head…. And the crazy thing is the dude I was talking with (he has a bad alkie-hole demon on him) was just talking about seeing a demonic dude in a grey van parked right behind me, moving his head as if to control an urge 2 years ago….. I got pure demonic energy off of these dudes

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