White People STILL See Us As Their Property

White People STILL See Us As Their Property

Went thru some shyte the other day… Let me touch them WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION AND WATCH THEM DEVILS GET UP IN ARMS!!! I’m saying this cause – yesterday – a white BITCH was about to put her hands on my flourite (Who know where her dog paws been) and WHEN I BLOCKED HER, THE OTHER CRAKKKAS GOT AN ATTITUDE LIKE: “HOW DARE THIS NEGROE PRACTICES BODILY AUTONOMY!” – These mofos STILL THINK THIS IS SLAVERY AND THAT WE ARE THEIR SLAVES = WE ARE THEIR PROPERTY TO DO WHATEVER THEY WANT and it’s up to US to straighten them out…

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The Glorious Culture of White People And Why They Are Superior To Blacks

The Glorious Culture of White People And Why They Are Superior To Blacks

From the same “species” of “people” who knock my topless activism cause THEY THINK breasts in public are nasty cause THEY SEXUALIZE EVERYTHING, I present to you their (perverted, warped) “culture” (Here’s a great article on them that says 1 out of 6 whites fuck they dawgs): https://underprivilegedmedianetwork.wordpress.com/2011/08/31/was-racist-us-navy-regime-terrorist-jon-tumilson-having-sex-with-labrador-dogs-behavior-at-funeral-indicative-of-innapro-priate-relationship-dr-louis-sidney-jacobs-global-black-alli/     SPEAKING OF WHICH, LOOK AT THIS SHIT: THESE ARE SOME NASTY, PEDOPHILE AZZ MOFOS! I WOULD NEVER MATE WITH A CRAKKKA (WHEN I DID DURING SEX WORK I WAS FORCED TO OUT OF ECONOMIC SURVIVAL)! Any black woman wanting to MATE with these things need their heads seriously examined and

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I Stand Behind the BLACK Women’s Topless Movement

I Stand Behind the BLACK Women’s Topless Movement

The white bitches are already starting….   Now this is the topless rights movement I am getting behind….   Here is the link to the article here: http://fusion.net/story/137976/say-her-name-topless-protesters/ Here is a link to THEIR twitter: https://twitter.com/blackoutcollect   Not the one as profiled here by ole racist ass Vice magazine (whom you can see from this screenshot here featured in one of their video’s in Africa an image of a driving bus with the words – I believe photoshopped – “nigger” scrawled across it). The original video is down below here:       Here is a link I did on the article on

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The White Man Is Why Female Toplessness Is Illegal

The White Man Is Why Female Toplessness Is Illegal

Watch this video here: Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”28937″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] This is why we have rape victim blame, slut shaming and all these patriarchal attitudes in our culture: CAUSE OF THE WHITE MAN! Yeah, that’s right! I said IT! At the end, they are responsible for this, for sexualizing the female body, namely started in the name and pursuit of averting white genetic annihilation by controlling his woman (and her morality and so thus her sexuality) so she won’t procreate out of her race and so thus contribute to their racial demise. Meanwhile white men RAPED everything and

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