Western World Needs To Learn To Take The Spirit World Seriously

Western World Needs To Learn To Take The Spirit World Seriously

Look, a black cat appeared out of nowhere when I was walking out where I’m at to make a video. From what I am hearing the spirits say, it was to send a message but because my third eye is fucked up by Gooru and Barbara Reina, I don’t know: Look. While in jail them women on abilify, seroquel were STILL seeing THE SAME shit that thankfully I can ONLY see through my third eye. They needed shamans; not medicine. Also while there I saw the same spirits fucking with me – Barbara Reina and David Reina and the shit

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My Brother Comes To Let Me Know He Okay And Defeating The Demon

Whew…. Whata night! Early this morning…. at about 2am, I awoke to hearing a dude recap a story about fucking me up, etc. Before I could get to they ass, they drove off in a beemer. That “yahken” dude drives one. https://toplessinla.org/2020/05/22/storytime-the-time-a-cult-tried-to-recruit-me/ Wonder if it was him? That said, I saw in my cards that they would try to do something to me overnight. So I flipped the switch and put ‘woke on him: commandered his mind and caused his car to run into a wall using my third eye. I then saw a tower moment for said peepole. Damn

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