Patrick Stevens of Park La Brea Throws Water on Me After I LITERALLY RUN HIM UP THE STREET

Patrick Stevens of Park La Brea Throws Water on Me After I LITERALLY RUN HIM UP THE STREET

This nigga is a fucking punk (here are his pics and if anyone knows who he is let me know so I can get his ass on street level):  I WAS TOLD HE ALWAYS WEARS THESE LOUD ASS SHOES: I’m gonna first preface by saying that someone driving in a speeding car quickly throwing water on somebody is a punk move akin to slashing someone’s tires, etc. This mofo threw water on me AFTER I literally RAN HIS ASS UP THE FUCKING STREET (he couldn’t face me face to face on street level SO LIKE A BITCH he speeds off

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When Female Toplessness Collides with Rape Culture

When Female Toplessness Collides with Rape Culture

A while back, a couple of weeks ago, I was sexually harassed by “Luke” here which you can see in the pictures and video below:   – Of Vortex Industries (3198 Airport Loop Drive # M, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, Phone: (714) 434-8000, Basically, what happened was, while I was sitting down, topless, and minding my own business, this BITCH came along and tried to brush his hand near my breasts (didn’t touch it, but almost) in defiance of pc 243.3 which is the penal code for sexual battery. Then this mofo, after doing it and saying, “Ooooh”, while staring at my breasts,

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