Don’t Fight The Homeless Fight The Elites

Don’t Fight The Homeless Fight The Elites

I had to sink my teeth into this: A homeless got MURDERED in cold blood by this asshole in the suv here: Like rape victim blame…. THE COMMENTS is what got me fucked up! Before I show particular examples, what kills me is, okay, many of these mofos are RENTERS. They don’t even own shit, as this roach would say: That said, the day or tomorrow, like dese folks found out the hard way here: This man AND his chile both got jobs: UNLESS YOU OWN YOUR SHIT your ass can be out of a place, too! Goddess forbid

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How Banks Use The Monetariless Money System To Steal From You

How Banks Use The Monetariless Money System To Steal From You

Okay, I peeped the differences yesterday! I noticed that after I withdrew money from my checking account, I had about as you can see $12 left. That said, this was in STARK CONTRAST with what I saw when I went to check my banking account online: IT’S IN STARK CONTRAST to what is shown on the receipt and I checked my banking account online not too soon after. What are the implications of this? Well, if you just check your online banking – like I do – for convenience you’d be thinking you still got $22 though you only have

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