Tariq Nasheed Is Protected And A Vision Of Moving To Rwanda

Tariq Nasheed Is Protected And A Vision Of Moving To Rwanda

I always say that ANYONE who is BIG in the public eye IS PROTECTED! About Tariq Nasheed – I’m not a fan of him and I wrote about him AND Syntheteia G (WHO IS NOT spiritually protected as she has no soul to protect) here: https://toplessinla.org/2018/06/21/how-i-knew-tariq-nasheed-and-cynthia-g-are-agents/ I BEEN sensed they are both agents and are creating disruption to 1) make blacks feel they can never believe in a leader (same thing “Brother” Polight did). That’s why I say blacks need to stop looking to (government orchestrated) leaders and movements for help and start looking within. With all the vibrational shifts

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Alien Federation’s Ascended Masters Video Change In Music Proof of Time Rift

Alien Federation’s Ascended Masters Video Change In Music Proof of Time Rift

Over the weekend, I heard a change in music on the Alien Federation’s “Ascended Masters” video which you can hear down below: That said, the music I heard before was of chiming bells and a very sweet, melodic sound to it. It didn’t sound like that at all. The comments are still the same. The date it was uploaded is still the same so it can’t be a new upload or a sleight of hand by Google by reuploading an older version of the video on the sneak… So I am left to wonder has anyone else had this experience?

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