Cr1tikal aka Penguinz0 of Youtube Gets Beelzebub Cockroach ‘Woke For Posting My Hello Sexual Harassment Video

Cr1tikal aka Penguinz0 of Youtube Gets Beelzebub Cockroach ‘Woke For Posting My Hello Sexual Harassment Video

LOOOL ✊? ‘Woke   As I said here….. White Punks Pissed Cause I Am Not A Bedwench to Homeless White Cluckerbeast Wide folks need to (and gotta learn) to stay in their uppity, arrogant, wide entitlement, wide privilege, self righteous lane. If you don’t wanna learn, you mess with the right one. He messed with the wrong one posting this and now he is doomed to spending all eternity in a pit full of insects crawling all over him when he dies….. cause he fucked with me! Now you experiencing this….. And this….. And looka the subliminal…. peep the demon

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White Punks Pissed Cause I Am Not A Bedwench to Homeless White Cluckerbeast

White Punks Pissed Cause I Am Not A Bedwench to Homeless White Cluckerbeast

HERE IS THE ORIGINAL VIDEO I CREATED BACK IN 2013: Buy the vids here [purchase_link id=”29252″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] Now onto the video: Here are the comments of his “supporters” – bet they wouldn’t give him a bath of warm hot piss if HIS life depended on it (the homeless guy who they are “caping” for): Look at this lil racist ass youtube channel that STOLE my vid: This Dave Smith character – I think a TRICK I once saw – and employee for KTLA in Los Angeles IS OBSESSED with my having done ghetto gaggers… (Here his facebook):

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