Just Because I Go Shirtless Does Not Give You The Right To Sexually Harass

Just Because I Go Shirtless Does Not Give You The Right To Sexually Harass

This a fucking shame how women and girls in their culture are fucking treated. Always pissed me off and saddens me….. I remember when I first started the female shirtless activism they were THE FIRST to get on board cause of how bad they “men” treat them…. That’s why I honest have nothing against them. Their “men” on the other hand….. I remember one dude said he’d beat his sister for walking shirtless as I do….. I stand for the womben and girls. I do what I do for them. – I am good looking handsome mofo. They call me

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My Experience being Female and Topless in L.A.

My Experience being Female and Topless in L.A.

Here, in this video, as you shall see (and hear) here: I walked around topless in L.A. that day 3/16/2014. I also talked about it in another video, here: After my experience of being arrested by what I presume to be two racist cops, Ofcrs. Morrow (badge No. 38519) and Noble (badge No. 36691). In my experiences, not ONCE was I street harassed (I had people gawking and staring, but seeing a womyn topless in L.A. is an unusual sight indeed), not once was I TOUCHED (I usually get these reactions when I am COVERED, not when I am topless)

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