Frequencies To Get Rid of False Higher Selves Unclean Spirits Parasites And Evil Spirits

Frequencies To Get Rid of False Higher Selves Unclean Spirits Parasites And Evil Spirits

The first one allows you to get rid of false higher selves, roach attachments, evil spirits and parasites. I noticed that it worked on them roach attachments (it is comprised of 1150 hz which kills them off) and this unclean Spirit named Dan Arieola whom a Mikey Hernandez and three women – esp the highest self of the woman who gave me a tarot reading whose name is Maria Yvette Tavarez – sicc’d on me whose faces you can see in these articles: Harassed By A Wetback Entity Named Dan Arcienega I saw that entity in physical form here: He

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Harassed By Real Evil Spirits For The Past Couple of Days

Harassed By Real Evil Spirits For The Past Couple of Days

Ever since releasing these articles, I have been getting harassed BAD by their sick ass evil ass entity attachments: The Identity of Veronica and Paul Edwards Finally Revealed Astral Vision Shows That Veronica Edwards aka Barbara Reina With The Two White Boys Rapes And Murders Young Black Girl To Destroy The David and Barbara Reina Curse Destroy The “E” and “Z” On Mars That They Made A Deal With In The Astral Plane About Michael O’ Terrence The Malibu Shaman And His Connection To Human Sacrifice And Celebrities I Finally Found Out The Names of The Two People Who Cursed

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I Now Realize That I Am Under Heavy Demonic Oppression And My Life Is In Danger

I Now Realize That I Am Under Heavy Demonic Oppression And My Life Is In Danger

The evidence in the face of how this demonic oppression is literally killing me. This is how I looked a year ago: Vs now: I didn’t realize how dire my situation was was till tonight: A very nice person sent their Higher Selves to defend me and protect me and my timelines as mentioned here: My Timeline Got Stolen On August 21 2022 That said the astral parasites you see here, Barbara the Roach Queen, Gooru 5 and Rosie the Roach Queen (Barbara The Roach Queen and Rosie the Roach Queen can alternate, looking like the second picture): Along with

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Why It’s Good To Have Evil Spirits For Protection

Why It’s Good To Have Evil Spirits For Protection

I had this one white boy say to me that, “There is something evil around you!” [purchase_link id=”31661″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] GOOD! As long as it works at YOUR COMMAND – emphasis on THAT word, that’s all that matters! As a GOOD PERSON, I don’t believe in that “turn the other cheek” shit. TOO MANY people done fucked with me for NOOO REASON! Now it’s time for that due! I like having the POWER to determine where you go in the afterlife, fuck it up! That’s what THEY – MY ENEMIES – fear that, want you to “turn the other

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