There Is A Big Difference Between Being Transracial And A Bedwench

There Is A Big Difference Between Being A Transracial White Woman And A Bedwench

This is not me….. Bedwench Christelyn Karazin BEGS Homeless RACIST White Bum For A Compliment There is a difference between me and her and I expound on it here…..   These people are like me…. Exactly….. This is what the transracial black gentleman was trying to say (many, including transgenders) can’t put into words what is truly going on with them and why they are the way they are….. My Soul is white but my outer PHYSICAL appearance is black. I break down what it truly means to be transracial. Here is a flag I came up with representing black

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This Is Why My Soul Could Never Fit In With Any Group or Anybody

This Is Why My Soul Could Never Fit In With Any Group or Anybody

I feel playing with one of the most auspicious songs I grew up with hearing…. This was from the film, “Gattaca”, with Ethan Hawke. In it, he was an aspiring “invalid” who due to his being naturally born sans of any genetic manipulation (as genetic manipulation before birth was the norm of his tim, could not ride on this spaceship called “Gattaca.” That said, via perserverance, hardwork, deception and supporters, he was able to get on that ride! That being said, I’ll never forget the line he mentioned at the end when he finally made it, which was: “For someone

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Coming Out As Transracial aka Trans White

I consider myself to be trans-white! It’s cause my soul is white. In a past life I was a mormon white girl who got sexually assaulted and murdered at the age of 16. The energy of that past life is super strong. I could never undestand why I have an affinity for Utah (but I HATE Las Vegas to where I don’t even like to pass thru it – I find the energy and peepole there to be dim witted and full of just unabashed, unrestrained gluttony). When I would pass thru (my black body having ass couldn’t live there

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