I want everybody to see this interesting video by this young man on Selena Gomez – who I have seen

The White Supremacist Colonialist Mentality of White Men And Why They Must Be Handled With Hands ????♂️
Imma put this fucking neandeRAPE FIRST! – peep the creature of the cave’s california license plate 5VWK845 In light of the Jenae Gagnier murder I think white people – and their white supremacist colonialist ways – are getting too comfortable with unveiling their ugly true colours around us due to the new age kneegrow believe that “we are all equal and all one.” No we ain’t bitch and this pale face demon about to find out. This is the second time this mofo has flagrantly and defiantly stalked me. 1st time was last weekend, a Friday to be precise and
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