I want everybody to see this interesting video by this young man on Selena Gomez – who I have seen

The Achilles Heel of The White Supremacist Crakkka
Looka IT’S response…… – CRAZY cause there were 9 screenshots with this wetback I argued with (then ‘woked) last night…… Here is IT’S instagram….. https://www.instagram.com/benjones_619/ This Is Why I Say Wetbacks Got Low IQs And You NEVER Open Yourself To Them I ‘woked this inferior crakkka too and let him know what IT is….. As a black person and esp. black woman, you gotta train these wetbacks and crakkkas cause they look down upon blacks and will get WAYYY outta line when they think they can get close. You gotta keep their toxic asses at a SEVERE hostile distance….. as
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