I wanna say this regarding Maria Parafin and her lower self, the tarot reader who I got a reading from

Celebrating A Strong Woman Named Joanna Dennehy Who Killed 3 Dick Demons
I think she is a beautiful woman….. She look like Leif Garrett….. She’s a real strong womban 💪🏻 Yasss sis, kill them dick demons….. Her girlfriend is THE EPITOMIE of how men should look #BullDykesDoItBetterThanMen https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.the-sun.com/news/57157/who-is-joanna-dennehy/amp/ She is like Aileen Wuornos, who I worship and admire….. I don’t know what it is…. but despite being in femail bodies both these wombem got strong essences about them….. it is a so called “masculine” energy mixed with I don’t give a fuck about the patriarchy energy built with this warrior drive built on sharp wits, intelligence, and a quick witted consciousness that
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