I want everybody to see this interesting video by this young man on Selena Gomez – who I have seen

From what I know the only truth to reality is frequency and vibration.
I think she is a beautiful woman….. She look like Leif Garrett….. She’s a real strong womban 💪🏻 Yasss sis, kill them dick demons….. Her girlfriend is THE EPITOMIE of how men should look #BullDykesDoItBetterThanMen https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.the-sun.com/news/57157/who-is-joanna-dennehy/amp/ She is like Aileen Wuornos, who I worship and admire….. I don’t know what it is…. but despite being in femail bodies both these wombem got strong essences about them….. it is a so called “masculine” energy mixed with I don’t give a fuck about the patriarchy energy built with this warrior drive built on sharp wits, intelligence, and a quick witted consciousness that
Read moreI saw thru my third eye this motherfucker – who comes from a land where they practice female clitoral mutilation (cause males don’t want womben enjoying sex as they did and still do by calling womben and grrls sluts for enjoying sex – yet they want you – note the warped mindset of males in that)…. had DELUSIONS of making me his wife and having me carry his bastard legacy – using me as a broadmare and WE ALL KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT THAT! – And ALLLL – JUST NOW I thought this was him coming back around…… He
Read moreRemember I talked about a serial killer comin’ round…. Astral Vision Shows A Serial Killer White Supremacist Is Going To Try To Kill Me That said, here is a human trafficker….. I wish I woulda got that fool license plate cause he had one in the back….. That said ya’ll females out here gotta watch these mofos and be VIOLENT about it which is all males understand AND respect….. The other day I heard scary ass Paris Milan talking about a stalking ass nigger in this case, ole ugly breathing out the mouth mofo retarded looking mofo who had a
Read moreNOTE: I LOVE ❤ JEWISH PEOPLE! MY GREAT GREAT GRANDMOTHER WAS A GERMAN JEW! I TALK SHIT (TRUTH) ABOUT EVERYONE SO PLEASE DO NOT TAKE IT PERSONAL HURR!!!!! A Jewish womban designed this 💪🏻✡ That said, this mofo, who has stalked me before (gotta find the article I did on him awhile back)….. ….These were taken 2 YEARS AGO….. ….is b(l)ack at it again…… Had to go Hitler on a Hymie 🤚🏻
Read moreI’ve been noticing a school bus stopping and honking their horn like I’m a fucking dog a coupla times a day. Don’t play that shit with me cause I’ll cause you to lose your fucking job. Before I was Qween 👸🏽 of Da ‘Woke I was the Qween of getting motherfuckers fired from their jobs….. Don’t play with me.
Read moreThis motherfucker was acting like HE’S GONNA TELL ME WHAT TO DO…. I ‘woke him, NOTE he get gone 👉🏻🚗 Here his license plate….. Another mofo here in the black truck called the po-lease……. Here another one…… That poor Mexican guy was very nice. Note he trembling poor man…. It’s cause he kno the power of that ‘woke that that wide boi got….. Here said wide boi license plate…… Here dat ugly ass red face of this wide demon ⬜👉🏻👹 And at night – these are the demiurge synchronicities I speak of – these two white drunks came out, with
Read moreUsually if I am “shown” this beforehand it’s going to get averted….. Last night I had an EXTREMELY bothersome experience – aside from a drug addict/seller who moved “next door” on the grounds of the Department of Water And Power (that’s another vlog) – in which a crakkka in a bright red old truck had pulled up in front, shined his lights on my van, then yelled thru an intercom “wake up.” Before I could deservedly throw a rock at him – he took off with the the sheriffs right behind…. Imma make something clear – I don’t want anything
Read moreI hate these motherfuckers who prey on black women like we belong to them as if we are property such as during slavery…. Looka this shit….. See how nasty and low vibratory those wetbacks are….. NOTE the name: [email protected] ….. I issued this creature a refund cause I knew what IT was trying to do and it gives a false review….. And here is Etsy’s pitiful ass response…. This their response after I elevated it up….. ….. NOW according to Etsy’s own terms it states you must be a BUYER to make a review…. So how TF is he NOT
Read moreHere THIS thing’s profile (could be a wetback)….. https://www.reddit.com/user/Appropriate-Key-6725/ HERE are the sick comments….. My bad… It’s a low IQ, low vibratory wetback (shoulda known cause at least a crakkka would have tact and class)….
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