Imma Need A New Van Cause Bad Smells Hurled On Me Everytime I Go To A Shelter By Barbara Reina

Imma Need A New Van Cause Bad Smells Hurled On Me Everytime I Go To A Shelter By Barbara Reina

This her right here, laughing at what she doing to me: I mean the way this bytch got me set up: Warning About Mind Hijackers Barbara Reina and David Reina and Malibu Dark Witch Shaman Michael O’ Terrance Who Sends Astral Parasites Into Your Mind To Force You Into A Soul Contract She hurls bad bad spirit smells if I try to stay at a shelter. I heard she wants me on the street streets and she been blocking every opportunity given to help me get on my feet in the spirit world. I really need help, especially spiritual help!

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Now Barbara Reina Is Trying To Block My Access To A Van And Even A Homeless Shelter

Now Barbara Reina Is Trying To Block My Access To A Van And Even A Homeless Shelter

This an evil ass bitch. She’s trying to block my ability to get my van back. I saw in the spirit realm that Thursday would be the day I would get it or at least my belongings and she actively blocked it! This jealous white bitch actively blocked it cause she hate by being and going shirtless, yet I heard she herself went shirtless on the PCH. She wants to be me. She even places bad smells on me when I try to get on with homeless shelters. She does this by placing an entity attachment of herself which she

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Need Desperate Help Removing Entity Attachments In My Mind

Need Desperate Help Removing Entity Attachments In My Mind

This bytch’s plot right here: Warning About Mind Hijackers Barbara Reina and David Reina and Malibu Dark Witch Shaman Michael O’ Terrance Who Sends Astral Parasites Into Your Mind To Force You Into A Soul Contract Was to make me smell (so I can’t move even into a homeless shelter) and then make me crazy by bringing in entity attachments into my head so that I’ll go crazy and be on the streets. I mean this is insane the amount of energy this person, Barbara Reina, is expending trying to destroy me and my life so she can steal my

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Remove The Entity Attachments Keeping Barbara Reina From Healing

Remove The Entity Attachments Keeping Barbara Reina From Healing

It’s the only way to ‘woke this bitch off my ass. That or death 💀⚰🪦 Warning About Mind Hijackers Barbara Reina and David Reina and Malibu Dark Witch Shaman Michael O’ Terrance Who Sends Astral Parasites Into Your Mind To Force You Into A Soul Contract As I was walking, I could hear evil spirits saying, “Don’t heal her”. Including evil mofos she works with. She gotta traumatic past and so I figure the only way to get her off ya azz – she loves to be attacked and negativity – is to remove the ish – the entity(ies) attachments

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Barbara Reina and Michael O’ Terrence Killed My Parents

Barbara Reina and Michael O’ Terrence Killed My Parents

I knew this wasn’t my mom but a walk-in Soul: My mom like I talks like a white woman. You can hear here. This was from a year ago: Now, here this long drawn out Southern drawl accent: They took my brother Kerry too. I believe he is in Baron Samedi’s realm, his roach motel hell ostensibly! Because these mofos can’t kill me cause of my pact with God, they plan on transferring my consciousness and memories into a roach as they have done so many others. Kill these fuckers: Barbara Reina Gotta Go They gotta go.

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Barbara Reina Gotta Go

Barbara Reina Gotta Go

She look just. like this poor child here: She ALWAYS from what her own spirits told me frequents this food truck on the PCH: This bitch gotta die and Imma tell ya why. I learned early this morning from one of her “astral parasites” that she was an earlier victim of this jealous ass neo nazi war-shipping ass racist ass bitch. She got this child placed in her realm where she and an entity attachment called “Baron Samedi the roach attachment” (cause she sees blacks as roaches) where she got this child – and a pretty biracial girl named Eden

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Willing To Buy Back My Van And Possessions

Willing To Buy Back My Van And Possessions

Man I miss that van and I didn’t customize it for nothing: I really loved that van and miss it. That said, to the new owner if you are willing to sell it back please contact me at 310-359-5199 or at [email protected] Right now I’m staying in a motel, a roach motel, till I am hooked up with a shelter and I would love nothing more than to have this van back which I hold precious and dear. Thank you.

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Now They Are Talking About Using Witchcraft To Sabotage My Mother’s Job And Turn Her Into A Prostiute THEY GOTTA GO

Now They Are Talking About Using Witchcraft To Sabotage My Mother’s Job And Turn Her Into A Prostiute THEY GOTTA GO

The Reina’s gotta go: Now they are talking about attacking my parents and placing bad smells on them so they lose their jobs and, as with me, that “Gooru” aka David Reina mofo wants my mom to become a prostitute by using his spiritual abilities to sabotage her job. They gotta go! Warning About Mind Hijackers Barbara Reina and David Reina and Malibu Dark Witch Shaman Michael O’ Terrance Who Sends Astral Parasites Into Your Mind To Force You Into A Soul Contract The astral parasites claim that it is their “jobs” as Goorus with Barbara being Gooru 1 and

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This Bytch Barbara Reina Is Nearing Snatching My Consciousness

This Bytch Barbara Reina Is Nearing Snatching My Consciousness

I heard from the astral parasites she got in me today that she was on the pch going shirtless but is telling me (she astral projects to me at times) that *I* can’t go shirtless there (cause I’m black). She, Barbara Reina, is a German whyte broad who is extremely broad who is extremely envious of me and wants to be me and me and my family have been having memories that aren’t ours and so forth. It is hard dealing with this and homelessness (I don’t have enough money for the motel where I am staying at and am

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How The Gooru System Works

How The Gooru System Works

Gooru 5’s realm, where I saw my grandmother, looks just like that! The people there look withdrawn, dead because in the Gooru realms horrible entities are placed in charge of folks and their families who are spiritually powerful. It is like North Korea. It’s hell. When you watch the vid if your third eye is open you can see what is attacking me…… It is an extension of the illuminati as mentioned here: Create Entity Attachments Using Your Soul Pieces To Protect Your Consciousness From Mind Hijackers The Gooru symbol is a penis which explains why I kept seeing this:

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