Joel Hipps Attempts To Send Poltergeists My and My Family’s Way

Joel Hipps Attempts To Send Poltergeists My and My Family’s Way

Joel Hipps, as seen in an astral vision of kids they possibly sacrificed, were meant to be sent towards me and my family to devastate us. I also heard Barbara Jo Hipps astral demonic associate, the entity attachment known as Barbara, say that since she could no longer haunt me (I killed a false Soul contract stating the Hipps can harass me as long as I drink), that she was “gonna continue to haunt me and make my life hell.” That said all night I heard what sounded like a wraith with a multitude of discombobulated voices coming toward me,

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God Is Allowing Joel Hipps aka Gooru To Attack Me And Other Soulled Folks

God Is Allowing Joel Hipps aka Gooru To Attack Me And Other Soulled Folks

David Reina aka Gooru aka Joel Hipps Runs The Southern California Psychic Institute aka The Church of The Rose Cult “God” the demiurge is one evil mofo: God Is Actually An Archon Parasitical Device of Patriarchal Control For The Matrix God Is Satan: The Demiurge He works with Soul Stealers to keep Soulled folks in line, and under his control. How to defeat them: Destroy The Astral Books To Get Rid of Hard To Defeat Entities And Spirits

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How Possession Actually Works

How Possession Actually Works

Having this death curse is like having AIDS, and any time anyone and everyone makes fun of me for having it, I give it to them: I figured it out: Joel and Barbara Jo Hipps work with a demon named Gooru and Barbara a demon named Barbara whom they have some Soul contract with to go harass and energy harvest those who are their targets, those who are usually spiritually powerful and don’t know it. They are possessing spirits. David Reina aka Gooru aka Joel Hipps Runs The Southern California Psychic Institute aka The Church of The Rose Cult They

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Astral World 16: Pallet Numbre Fights Baron Samedi For My Freedom Part 1

Astral World 16: Pallet Numbre Fights Baron Samedi For My Freedom Part 1

Pallet Numbre kept saying, “I am your dad.” I understand the sick truth as to why. Astralworld 12: Meeting What Barbara Turned My Dad Into, Pallet Numbre It kills me to see my dad like this but it is comforting to know that, even in that state, he still remembers who I am and still defends me on the other side. While in hell, Baron Samedi’s henchpeople tracked me down and brought me back up to the upper part of the astral realm. I was returned to his lair despite my teleporting and attempts at freeing myself, in one instance

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Roach Spirit Hungry Ghosts And Gooru Keep Stealing My Blessings

Roach Spirit Hungry Ghosts And Gooru Keep Stealing My Blessings

I stay burning the books allowing this to happen though my ability to interact in the spiritual plane has been severely wounded cause of the hungry ghosts that are in me: Destroy The Astral Books To Get Rid of Hard To Defeat Entities And Spirits And I am not referring to ancestors either, who have been severely wounded by these things. These things consciousnesses are so big in my head that my eyes are buldging and stay causing my eyes to look huge and bleeding: – I don’t even look like the same person. Once when I thought I freed

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David Reina aka Gooru Has Been Defeated

David Reina aka Gooru Has Been Defeated

You know how? I still got my Soul I am still alive They haven’t – nor can – they kill me or take my Soul without a Soul contract. I have and still continue to triumphantly defy them by not signing a Soul contract. They have thrown piles of shit at me, orchestrated a rape so that I will stay traunatised and feel forced to interact with the entities they placed in me to further cause trauma – just recently stealing money directly out my checking account from the astral plane – and, still, I refuse to sign a Soul

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David Reina’s Higher Self Gooru Has Been Stealing My Money

David Reina’s Higher Self Gooru Has Been Stealing My Money

This basturd has had me under a financial curse since 2014 when I refused to make a deal with him back then during an out of body experience, leading to me waking up and finding my third eye bleeding: Since then he has been using the manipulation of my finances to try to destroy me and get me to commit suicide so I can give him my Soul. I have noticed that my Bank of America account has been getting TREMENDOUSLY drained….. Ever since the beginning of the month – and last month – I been getting drained with $250

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Removed Entity Attachment of Consciousness That Was Causing Me Issues

Removed Entity Attachment of Consciousness That Was Causing Me Issues

I also removed the globs of energy that I would feel on my crown chakra and body that are actually portals to allow these evil entities to enter: That said I am getting closer to defeating this curse – I heard that David Reina are hellbent to get my Soul – so much so that in the dreamscape I saw they planned to kill my parents, who they, along with Joel and Barbara Jo Hipps, have been planning on killing. From what I understand it has been the Higher Selves and lower selves of David and Barbara Jo Hipps, David

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How Roach Realm Parasites Can Physically Attack You From The Astral

How Roach Realm Parasites Can Physically Attack You From The Astral

For the past nearly a year I have endured MASSIVE psychic attacks from entities operating from the roach realm who are hellbent and determined to keep me as a “sacrifice” and feed off of me from the astral plane: I talk of how I removed a massive dark webbed entity attachment from my heart chakra here: You can hear these things speak through my breathing, with the nose being another point of consciousness, which they devour: I felt like I was gonna die here: I explain how they work here: Here is how they work and how to escape a

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How To Defeat The Consciousness Eaters Curse

How To Defeat The Consciousness Eaters Curse

It is one of THE WORST curses you can bestow upon someone. These are the people who conferred it upon me: David Reina aka Gooru aka Joel Hipps Runs The Southern California Psychic Institute aka The Church of The Rose Cult Basically it is a curse designed to make you look “schizophrenic” when you need help, spiritual help! Basically, entity attachments are placed into the subconscious area which starts at the nape of the neck, then from there they eat points of areas of your consciousness, where your consciousness lies, to where they eventually become your consciousness, your inner

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