Everyone who follows me knows I am big on spirituality and here is the portal cataloguing my teachings!

The Witch’s Mark

The Witch’s Mark

Just in time for Halloween…… NOTE I got two long strands of hair on the right side of my breast. However, on the left side, you see none….. That is what you call a witch’s mark….. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witches%27_mark A witch’s mark is deemed to represent an entity such as as popularly believed here the devil taking ownership of a person, laying a mark as claim to them as would be done by a cattle rancher to cattle. It was used during the Salem Witch’s trials and the Grand Inquisition to determine if one was a witch or not. I notice these

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My Tarot Cards Are FUCKING ACCURATE and Readings For Scorpio and Sagittarius For October 2021

My Tarot Cards Are FUCKING ACCURATE and Readings For Scorpio and Sagittarius For October 2021

Shit, the other day….. Damn I was right on the mo-nay…… Just as the cards showed – tho it showed a black female – it was a brother ??✊??? with locs parked behind. Good ??✊??? That being said I always look out for my people. This dude here looked like my brother Kristen ON TOP of being black hence why I let my guard down ⚔✊??? Good thing for him he was black ⚔✊??? That being said MY FUCKING TAROT CARDS ARE DEAD ACCURATE! This shit be point! Thru my third eye too I see people and scenes that I

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Spellcasting And How Enemies Use Words To Have Power Over You

Spellcasting And How Enemies Use Words To Have Power Over You

….And now, they know….. ?? LOL at these mofos trying to AFFECT = spellcast on me with words…… This why I don’t trust crakkkas….. Bitch I got the heart of a serial killer when it comes to my enemies don’t play that shit with me. Bitch revealing why I’m justified in hating their asses, going by “Hitler’s mustache” ?? …..revealing themselves… That said……

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Yup 13signsastrology Ra Imhotep Is In A Cult

Yup 13signsastrology Ra Imhotep Is In A Cult

The furitive writing (look at the title) that comes with gramatical errors….. They are just zapping this brother’s power and draining him of his life force….. – You can watch some of these old videos here. I predicted this going back some 4 years ago…… I Think Ra Imhotep aka 13signsastrology Was Either Killed Or Imprisoned By The Illuminati To SEE ??? what these people are doing to him…… SMDH ??‍♀️ – That is a CULT compound he is on….. That said, I saw him on a HOSPICE bed in the astral with one of those giant sacrificing heads (white

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WATCH These Fake Passive Aggressive Organic Portal New CAge So Called Spiritualists

WATCH These Fake Passive Aggressive Organic Portal New CAge So Called Spiritualists

These mofos RAN ?? when I mentioned ‘woke lol: REAL spiritual teachers, spiritualists go thru light and dark and work with both….. As the old saying goes you must go thru darkness to get to the light…… – IT ALL STARTED WITH THAT POST! I knew it was taking a jab at me for all the schitt I been saying about whytee folk lately…… So this instagram page here named “archonsoultrap” started false flagging me…… https://instagram.com/archonsoultrap?utm_medium=copy_link When I said keep that shit up Imma fuck you up with ‘woke, that bullshit suddenly ceased…… Fake peace love passive aggressive asses….. NOW,

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Satan Is The Black Person’s Kundalini

Satan Is The Black Person’s Kundalini

Google IMMEDIATELY age restricted this video that I am about to show you cause it is telling truths….. I Am Satan: – NOTE how white people have portrayed “Satan” as having black people’s features for eons…… It is because we ARE Satan. Let me explain…… See, as explained…. blacks hold the key to chaos magick. Now, in many afrocentric groups as can be seen in the diaphram above melanin breaks down to = 666….. https://deannarachelle1.wixsite.com/ourworldsolution/single-post/2016-1-12-melanites-is-the-beast-666-according-to-the-christian-bible-and-western-society https://keyamsha.com/2018/02/07/melanin-myth-3-melanin-is-carbon/ – This ?? is a GREAT blog that breaks it down….. Baba Bobby Hemmitt further broke down the etymology of the word, saying that

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Acknowledging The Truth Will Set You Free of Energy Blocks

Acknowledging The Truth Will Set You Free of Energy Blocks

I made an ephiphany while watching 13signsastrology on Youtube last night: P2: ….That said, an old memory came back in which a teacher, a crakkka nun, embarassed me – and joined in on the taunting I faced from students and teachers alike – by criticising me for using “big words.” That being said – I now realised – that had an energetic effect which led to energy blocks being inured for years because I didn’t really wanna delve into the truth of why that shit deeply bothered me on a Soul level. It was a lot of making sense of

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13signsastrology Ra Imhotep And Why Making Deals With ANY Entities Is A Bad Thing

13signsastrology Ra Imhotep And Why Making Deals With ANY Entities Is A Bad Thing

He fucked up here….. The main shit is spirits gotta get fed and they’ll cause your ass to have all sorts of addictions to feed them as can be seen with Ra Imhotep: As with me. When these things get into you and become a part of you as per real possession they cause you to act in ways that are unlike you as was the case with me when I would succumb to alcohol urges they would induce while in me, that would resultantly lower my vibration and cause me to attract skeevy malignant people who were wayyyy below

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