Everyone who follows me knows I am big on spirituality and here is the portal cataloguing my teachings!
In an effort to see what’s causing bad shit around me and also out of just mere curiosity I decided to download this evp app so I can perhaps communicate with the spirits and see what’s going on and this shit was real – and weird – accurate:
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Could this be an image of purgatory, a time loop, or simply what is known as “shadow people” traveling through… Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”30348″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”] It is said that ghosts, entities can be seen above a certain light spectrum and in the case of cellphones and esp. in certain areas of strong spiritual energy AND with light (for certain entities close to our realm) you can capture them on tape, too, AND with the naked eye… Anyways, I as well as others have always felt Miracle Mile in L.A. was some sort of “waystation”, purgatory if you
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My day was CRAZY!!! Never a dull moment! WATCH! This why you couldn’t pay me ANY MONEY TO LIVE ANYWHERE ELSE BUT CALIFORNIA!!! California IS HOME, tho. I was born in LOSER-ana (Louisiana), THIS IS HOME FOR ME, too many aliens here NOT TO SAY THAT!!! Here is what happened AFTER I dyed my hair (looks like a bloodbath, don’t it π Buy vid here [purchase_link id=”29528″ text=”Purchase” style=”button” color=”blue”]
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As you all know, I love to post these posts cause I am a narcissist and love me π I also love to LOOK AT MYSELF (I see myself as special – in all honesty I did this shit CAUSE I AM IN AWE of my OWN BEAUTY and decided to post these pics out of boredom – after all, if I were an “instagram whore” and instagram permitted these pics, I’d be posting EVERY DAY if they allowed REAL fully nude pics and not just excluding women for being topless when they do NOT do the same to men
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I couldn’t tell if “brotherman” here at first was giving me the peace sign out the corner of my eye and I noticed him out the corner of my eye (I’ve been told that if it seems like there is something there there usually is and IF YOU FEEL LIKE SOMETHING IS THERE – like seeing things out the corner of your eye, etc. IT IS!) but then upon closer inspection… I thought at one point it was giving me the middle finger but I don’t think so anymore…
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This was sooo sweet, I had to share it!!! They say that they’re protectors; whatever they are, this is cutee to me!
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THESE ARE MY MOST RECENT, taken in December 2017: Here me with normal eyes. Here me with white, reptilian/cat slitted eyed pupils: These are really MY REAL EYES (not all the time) BUT LOOK CLOSELY CAUSE THIS IS NOT A MISTAKE OF THE CAMERA (I even through in a “normal” one alongside the shapeshifting one so you can see the difference that there was no difference in movement, etc. on my part it just came out like that): Here is a close up of my eyes in one of the pics: This by far is the
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I want you to read these comments coming from 60 something “sweet” DEMONICALLY POSSESSED MARY SIMS: Here is her youtube channel of CRAZINESS: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ2KT5-CcYv65wjJILU9MfA Here is one vid where she claims she abandoned her husband while “waiting for Jesus”: Here is another one and I think it sums up her mental state as well regarding demonic possession in which she states: “Don’t be stingy with your light!” as in because she is DEMONICALLY POSSESSED, SHE HAS NO LIGHT so she wants to STEAL YOURS TO SURVIVE: Now, watch these videos where she talks about how her husband of 27 years
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You know this is who you dumbasses are bowing down to: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amun Amun was the God over the city of Thebes. He was one of the most powerful Egyptian deities, presiding during the Old Kingdom (Think, like Old Testament) and the New Kingdom (think, “New Kingdom” = NEW TESTAMENT). Amun was the One who required YOU CONFESS YOUR SINS BEFORE PETITIONING HIM FOR FAVORS THROUGH PRAYERS – hence the modern HYPOchristian tendency to say, “Amen”, after petitioning “God” for favors. Also, in Amun’s case – you confessed your sins BEFORE asking him for shit! Amun was associated with bringing justice
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This vid does a great job of summing it up (by the ever so clever Bill Madon of Youtube’s “Night Terrors” – I like his last name and think he’s cutee!) BUT I STRONGLY SUGGEST READING FURTHER CAUSE THE MORE EXTENSIVE STORY IS EVEN MORE INTERESTING… Back in the 1920’s (using what can be construed as technology before his time ie outer body experiences, future projection – as I call it – and remote viewing) this man was able to see some 3,000 years into the future what would happen to the Earth – and possibly what the Illuminati has
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