Category: Society
Society is shit and I expose it!

Issue With The Wetbacks Who Threatened A Black Kid In His Neighborhood In Florida
Before I begin I just wanna praise these two beautiful white sist⭐rs for putting these bean bags 👉🏻🇲🇽 This beautiful sister threatened to call ICE whom you can call at (866) 347-2423 (I person. got them on speed dial) on an illegal bean bag for selling flowers on a freeway: You go girl. #Trump #MAGA2024 And this gorgeous wide woman telling these wetbacks – in our land of Cali – to speak English in our land of America while they were playing pool: Don’t feel sorry for them or try to cape for them. Look at this. And this is
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Fighting An Unclean Spirit Named Dan Arcienega and Homeless Sex In A Park
Them mofos were about to get fucked up by that Jamaican. He was giving out money and help today though to a homeless couple and shook my hand and seemed nicer, in a better place! Here is Part 1 of me talking about what I now think is an unclean spirit, Dan Arcienega: Here is Part 2 where I talk about quantum jumping and how to restore demons, most of whom are formed humans, back to what they were using 3517 hz (which works the best) or 3571 hz: During this whole curse I actually found out that John Paul
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These Basturds Named Peter De Bonis and Michael Van In Haines City Florida BRUTALLY Raped My Friend
My friend never got justice so I am putting em on blast for all the world to see: The orange one, Michael Van, I heard also like lil kids and masturbates constantly to child porn and shares child porn images on kik….. https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100050198686470 This one here, Pete De Bonis, looks like he got AIDS. Same thing too with him being a chomo from what I have heard….. https://mobile.twitter.com/peterdebonis1 https://m.facebook.com/peter.debonis That Michael Van got sociopath rapist written all over his face….. – You can see that skinny one’s got AIDS….. That said, both these mofos took turns holding my friend down
Read moreThis Is Why I Warn Blacks And Others About These Demon Seeds
Look at how this demon seed wants to fight a black woman. This is why in large part I talk about these demon seeds….. Wetbacks Attack Black Bus Driver As She Is Working Wetback Male Tries To Put Hands on Black Female Just Now Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians This is why I talk about those w3tb@cks – they are quick to put hands on black people – esp black women, but they won’t do so to whites as can be seen
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I Have Decided To Change My Name Back To Raven’s Psychic Services
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Assaulted At The Vons On 17380 Sunset Blvd Pacific Palisades CA 90272
This is the basturd who did it: My friend whipped his ass after pushing him, an old man, down! It happened on May 23 2023. This the one who started it it all. Her name is Janiece. She refused to serve me in the past and I learned that she doesn’t serve homeless people. Aunt Jemima Vons Black Employee Refuses To Serve Me Cause of What I Am Wearing Vons Kicks Me Out Cause Fake Khazar Jew Wetback And White Supremacist Has Problem With My Red Mesh Shirt Imma sue because that is not right!
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Black Panther Wakanda Forever Attempts To Divide Black And Brown People
….And alter the narrative by making blacks out to be colonialist, using the ignorant (because we all know how Afrikans and other non American Blacks are quick to deny their blackness) Afrikan (Alkebulanian) actors to carry this narrative out in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever: That being said, here is your colonizer right here 👉🏻⬜ That was actually taken from a WWE skit from back in the day but look at how bold the racism – and venemous hatred – was. That said, see, crakkkas are and rightfully so dying out. That said, crakkkas have been desperately grasping at straws in
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I Walked Shirtless On Skid Row And Not Once Was I Sexually Assaulted
I remember the other night when I took a piss near a parking lot (I had to let it go)….. a guy, a brother, a real black man (unlike the fake ones of Malibu aka Mali-heaux) offered me baby wipes instead of a finger up my vagina as the neandeRAPES of Malibu felt so inclined to do….. People talk shid about Skid Row but since I been here the men are GENTLEMEN! I think it is because they are black with a real black consciousness. Thet are not like the rapist crakkkas of Malibu who felt inclined to fuck
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Bank of America Is Stealing People’s Money
The Simpsons are predicting it, a Bank of America shut down: Contact the CEO Brian T Moynihan if you are having issues with your Bank of America account, here: [email protected] Call his ass cause I’m not the only one having issues with my money: Here is a record of them messing up my money, having lost $600, $300, and $200 and $100, in part being caused by unauthorized withdrawls into my savings account, which stacks up fees for them to charge me: This one here even shows a hold was out on my savings account when I didn’t even place
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