Anyone who knows me knows I am ALWAYS talking about the archons and, esp. their creator, the demiurge – here is the archive for all that talk ?

Los Angeles Sheriff’s Demons Tell Me I Can’t Wear Spiritual Protective Jewelry In Court

Los Angeles Sheriff’s Demons Tell Me I Can’t Wear Spiritual Protective Jewelry In Court

I’m not surprised. Watch these videos. In one of em – I believe her name was “Dominguez” – I heard her cussing, at one point I heard her call me the “n word”, talking shit about me all because of those protective stones and at one point she picked it up and then dropped the black tourmaline with disdain as if her demonic ass was offended by their very presence! That’s why I wear em; they stay EXPOSING DEMONS AND PROTECTING ME FROM THEM AS WELL AND THEY DID A GREAT JOB! The LASD security Dominguez – whom I’ve brought

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Proof of Reptilians And Are They Truly Evil

Proof of Reptilians And Are They Truly Evil

Look at this shit I saw rigtht outside my window one night while sleeping in my car: Can you see it? Here, let me give ya a CLOSER LOOK… I AM NOT GONNA BOTHER HIGHLIGHTING IT as it is only for those with eyes to see and ears to hear… Anyways, here are more “anomalies” and like an “Eye Spy” book… Here are some more: Some more weird shyte and ad for that brown, “shimmering” (THERE AIN’T NOTHING SHINY BY THAT DOOR TO CAUSE THAT) thing by the door again AIN’T NOTHING IN OUR REALM CAUSED THAT… that’s some shit

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