Anyone who knows me knows I am ALWAYS talking about the archons and, esp. their creator, the demiurge – here is the archive for all that talk ?
You create etheric chords with those mofos….. But I did this to show to blacks how stupid and low IQ inferior being these creatures are….. Notice he uses a black image to make fun and insult me while saying I am racist ??♀️ proving in effect what I say of them to be true of them having low IQs (I mean how dumb do you have to be to use racism to supposedly fight fucking racism ????=?=?) and thinking they are better than blacks…. Notice how these creature responds when I show him this article: – Notice it just
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THROUGH SERENDIPITY I GOT THIS ASSHOLE’S INFO HERE: Drunk asshole works for CHP ironically as a motorbike mechanic ?? Friend saw it on the side of the road and immediately felt it was some asshole who had fucked with me…. he found his shit strewn around. Divine justice got served ✊? ‘woke ??♀️???? I CAN’T EVEN BE FREE TO BE ME CAUSE OF THESE MOFOS…. YOU CONSTANTLY HAVE TO PUT YOUR GUARD UP (AKA BUILD A WALL AROUND YOUR ENERGY) CAUSE 1 MINUTE YOU LET YOUR GUARD DOWN AND THEY HONE IT LIKE BUZZARDS TOWARDS THEIR PREY! IT’S A FUCKING
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I did something last night that finally removed what I thought was an entity attachment but turned out to be an energy block at the base of my spine aka kundalini….. I still got some work to do with the back of my neck where the entryway for your Soul lies (I think it’s past life shit causing it)…… In light of this everyone with deeply embedded traumas that causes blackouts aka energy blocks in your Soul….. Mofos Gotta Stop Letting Spirits Control Their Asses Before They Get FUCKED UP It’s like with roaches and wetbacks who I use raid
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We are God (this with Souls that is not you organic portals)…..
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He fucked up here….. The main shit is spirits gotta get fed and they’ll cause your ass to have all sorts of addictions to feed them as can be seen with Ra Imhotep: As with me. When these things get into you and become a part of you as per real possession they cause you to act in ways that are unlike you as was the case with me when I would succumb to alcohol urges they would induce while in me, that would resultantly lower my vibration and cause me to attract skeevy malignant people who were wayyyy below
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Crazy, when at the beach the day of this incident I noticed rocks piled by my van…… I felt positive energy from it and felt it is for spiritual protection. They don’t call it spellcasting for nothing…. Note how my eye here is raised up like Jeff Bezos….. That is a sign of archon possession. Now the reason why I say spellcasting is because you gotta ask your third eye certain questions so it’ll be effective. I finally got rid of this here….. Demon Alters Timeline And Navy Shows Me The Matrix In Astral Vision There Definitely IS A Parasitic
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You can see a bit of it here….. This was done for my Etsy page:
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Damn this the 3rd time the white halo on my crown chakra has appeared in pics….. Note it don’t appear in the other pics, as if the background just deliberately got dark to show me that (note I am in the SAME position in all of em)…… I think it explains an incident that happened last night with a nigger mayate and half bred put up by a wetback as seen thru my third eye….. They are using black people against me now…. Bedwench Turns On Me After I Try To Protect Her From Her Slavemaster Husband Let me explain
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I got a theory….. esp. since this thing showed up to more than likely possess me during a heavy bout of drinking – a custom I usually undertake before a MAJOR undertaking….. What if we are some highly advanced multidimensional video game for multidimensional beings to take over at will and control – hence entity attachments and possession…..
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Before I begin, these mofos here make me sick…… How dare you bully me into not wanting to be an energy sacrifice for the weak ass egregores you invented using the little power of your minds….. Well bitch I got rid of your tulpas and I will soon fuck your bitch asses up too……. Look Bitch I Ain’t Joining Your 13 Blighted Cult So You Can Steal My Energy Talking about being a fucking millionaire yet this mofo look dusty ass fawk….. That said spiritual sexual slavery is real….. I explain what it is here ??
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