I don’t like those mofos. I honestly despise them and look down upon them. They got low IQ’s and an inability to understand and process human emotion and empathy otherwise known psychopathy. As a matter of fact, in terms of how they approach things when confronted with the knowledge of what they do to blacks, the words of Marth Stout who wrote, “The Sociopath Next Door” comes to mind….. “They know the words to the song but not the meaning.”
They are shallow thinkers and are not capable of deep thought hence why they make GREAT HARD workers but not smart workers. It is all because of this right here ๐๐ป
– They hate it when I tell the truth about them ๐
That said just yesterday as I ascend I stated that, after getting rid of a demonic entity that was living in me who once in a dream told me that he was gonna hook up me energetically to those wetbacks – as SOON AS I GOT RID OF THAT ENTITY IN ME, I NOTICE THAT MY ENERGY NOW NATURALLY WARDS THEM WETBACKS OFF!
The problem is innate with them; it is their bloodline ๐๐ป
That said, if you need more proof that something is wrong with em ๐๐ป Look no further than this….. 6000 hz frequency is a high level frequency designed to ward off low vibrational beings such as reptilians and demons. Why the only “humans” it works on are wetbacks:
I ain’t nothing to play with. Before I started messing with crystals I was a satanist so don’t try me. For my patented “rot your dick off ‘wokeโข๏ธ” ๐ง๐ปโโ๏ธ๐กโ๐ฉธ go here: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1124864817/the-black-magick-on-a-dick-woke?ref=listings_manager_grid Don’t play with me. PS Black IS the beast crakkkas thru crakkka christ aka Cesare Borgia tell you to fear…… Satan Is The Black Person’s Kundalini
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….It’s giving me “I am entitled to your energy because you are a black womban and you are supposed to bow down cause I am (built like a beaner bean bag beaner pos shit) brown ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ” vibes just like the brown bean bag from yesterday… Wetback Demon Seed Driving CA License Plate 7BXD682 Planned To Kidnap Me As Shown Via My Third Eye One think I HATE is stupidity and I can’t stand how these low IQ, simple minded mofos who can only conjure up stock phrases (and no responses with deeper meaning or critical thought) think they can finesse
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That still is funny, throwing that lil motherfucker in there ๐คฃ๐ I bet it went, “WEeeeeeee” I stand with her on this as I have done it to my lil half bred trick babies before in the past โ๐ป๐๐ป๐ถ๐ฝ๐ How To Use Your Third Eye To Spiritually Induce An Abortion Just Killed Another Lil Basturd Using My Third Eye #ThirdEyeAbortion I also offer the patented “rot your dick off ‘woke” to put on any man who gets you pregnant on Etsy….. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1124864817/the-black-magick-on-a-dick-woke?ref=listings_manager_grid Good! We need more wetbacks to wipe out the las cucarachas of la raza โ๐ป
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– I didn’t like that stare he gave me after he left. It was a straight rapist predatory stare like I’ll be back…. that’s why I ran BACK after his wetback demon seed of Quetzalcoatl ass….. I don’t know WHY for the life of me this WETBACK is gonna go after somebody who hates his very existence and goes outta their way to eradicate it….. Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians John Elliizz’s Book CONFIRMS Wetbacks Are The Demon Seeds of Demonic Reptilians Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians
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It happened on December 13 2021 at around 10:18 am….. Imma show you the two main mofos…. He was smiling here when I was chasing him…. I covered him here….. Wetback Public Works Worker Calls Me Mop Head And One Tries To Run Me Over – I had an astral vision of a dude who fixes cars and rapes womben and his name was Alex Pacheo. Here another one. He more violent and I think he stuck a finger in me as I walked away…. Covered him here. You can see him get near violent with his supervisor…. Employees With
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– I seriously know that because they are under direct control due to their archon/reptilian bloodline that those reptilians are protecting em, hence why no one has a problem with em when I talk about this….. Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians I been saying that there is something really wrong with those low vibratory mofos which is why I look down upon them and just call them out ๐๐ป Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians Mexicans and South
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As we ascend towards the start of the rapture for us Soulled people, the demiurge and his archons are stepping up psychic attacks against us….. – Been getting alot of weird energy lately. At least they black! I wanna say – I notice that as I ascend my energy alone has been warding off the wetbacks. I been saying for a long time that there is something wrong with the demon seeds of Quetzalcoatl aka the children of the demiurge aka satan: John Elliizz’s Book CONFIRMS Wetbacks Are The Demon Seeds of Demonic Reptilians 6000 hz frequency, a frequency used
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You thought your army of intranquil spirits was gonna work on me, ha ‘wetback….. – Boy I heard this motherfucker in the ether say, “What is happening to me” when I ‘woked him lol ๐ง๐ปโโ๏ธ๐ง๐พโโ๏ธ๐น๐๐ค๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ
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NOTE THEY SAY THAT THEY ARE FACING A LAWSUIT! You about to see AND HEAR ๐๐ป๐ฃ why…… You can listen hear ๐๐ป๐ฃ THE BITCH on the phone saying that my policy never lapsed to saying that it did lapse (to which I paid on the 6th – payment is due on the 4th – due to having lost my old debit card and just getting that new one) AND THEN SAYING I GOTTA PAY JANUARY’S TO “REINSTATE” IT……. – You can also hear the heaux lying saying they mailed me my money back which is bull….. Here are the receipts
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A regular car shows up then leaves with the utility work truck….. I told ya’ll….. John Elliizz’s Book CONFIRMS Wetbacks Are The Demon Seeds of Demonic Reptilians Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians CONFIRMED Playing 6000 Hz Frequency Runs Wetbacks Away Like Holy Water On A Demon – There is a reason WHY 6000 hz frequency – a frequency known to repel demons, reptilians, and other low vibrational entities only repels them! That said, I NOTE that these gangstalkers will be parked 50
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