I will be calling men “dick demons” from now on…..

I believe it is time to have a serious conversation on men and what we must do with them. Men are a threat to the planet and womynkind and the Divine Feminine and must be eliminated.

Thereby I will be looking to the methods utilised by the late great serial killer, Aileen Wuornos and famed dick cutter Lorena Bobbitt on how to deal with these dick demons….

I Beat A White Attempted Rapist Who Tried To Use Bear Spray

I Beat A White Attempted Rapist Who Tried To Use Bear Spray

Here is his car along with his license plate number california license plate number 8GVZ922….. – It is a Dodge Challenger with heavily tinted windows and has two red stripes on the right (passenger) side on the spoiler in back. I talk about it here….. ….But in case the video don’t work let me break it down here….. Just before this guy – who looks like the lead singer a lil from that 90s band “Sugar Ray” Mark McGrath but with dark page boy hair, he was wearing a white “wifebeater” and blue jeans…. he had a typical white boy

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The Selfishness Of Men Knows No Bounds: You Can Get A Dick Enhancer At 711 for  But The Morning After Pill Is

The Selfishness Of Men Knows No Bounds: You Can Get A Dick Enhancer At 711 for $11 But The Morning After Pill Is $56

I – like I said before – majority of you fucking people operate like robots cause given the shit men do…. how can you be with them mofos….. ya’ll are like robots with fucking blinders and walls made of concrete for consciousness cause….. How the fuck can ya’ll ignore the utter and complete selfishness in males, of how they have this society set up against you and incorporate unfair moral rules they don’t hold against themselves such as slut shaming while needing YOU = (WOMBEN IS GOD) TO CREATE THEM AND CARRY THEIR LEGACIES…. It’s like mofo you hold the

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Wetback Admits IT’S A Demon Seed

Wetback Admits IT’S A Demon Seed of Quetzalcoatl

– She said she evil too….. Looka my comment…. Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians Mexicans and South Americans Resonate With The Satanic Energy – 6000 hz frequency don’t work on their asses for nothing….. CONFIRMED Playing 6000 Hz Frequency Runs Wetbacks Away Like Holy Water On A Demon Running Wetback Biker Gang Up The Skreet With 6000hz Frequency As much as I hate crakkkas I honestly PEEP that shit don’t work on their evil asses….. #bloodline #demonseedofquetzalcoatl John Elliizz’s Book CONFIRMS Wetbacks

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Caribbean White Man In Black Face Uncle Tom Stalks Me Gets SAME Treatment Right Back

Caribbean White Man In Black Face Uncle Tom Stalks Me Gets SAME Treatment Right Back

LOOK! DON’T YOU STUPID ASS CRAKKKAS AND WETBACKS (WHO CAN’T READ NUANCES) LET THIS ARTICLE IN WHICH I TALK DOWN ON A BLACK MAN THINK YOU CAN GET OFF KILTER WITH ME! I went after the brother here only cause I felt an uncle tom (I feel like he works with some of these homeless crakkkas as I saw in another encounter with him) misogynistic, violent “I wanna be accepted by whytee peepole vibe” which is the only reason why I went after him….. I don’t mind my people perving….. Also, I let this brother chill….. I Always Help My

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Employees With Traffic Control and Los Angeles Department of Water And Power Call Me A Hoe and A Nigger

Employees With Traffic Control and Los Angeles Department of Water And Power Call Me A Hoe and A Nigger

Here are a few culprits….. I believe it was either him….. or him…… That referred to me as a hoe, offsetting this…… This one here refused to show me his badge number…… And this one here tried to fight me AND his supervisor….. – He later referred to me as the n word, which he muttered under his breath, and something else that insinuated that I am a sex worker (when I asked one of their names as can be heard on tape he said his name is “John”). He was also tripping on my MAGA hat, after calling me

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White Supremacist Caught Masturbating Tries To Attack Black Lady

Daygo Wop White Supremacist Caught Masturbating Tries To Attack Black Lady

NOTE this perverted mofo wanted to go up against me while I wore my skirt (when I came back later with my pants he closed that door quick lol): Here the full video: Cops show up later….. Looka them eyes….. bitch calling me a crackhead but look like he do crack! I check these crakkkas AND wetbacks (who aren’t as bad but as you can see here we must not forgot they are agents, lapdogs of white supremacy since they think they whyte and wannabe white) for a reason…. Listen as this THING masculinates me, calling me a “sissy” –

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Why I Gotta Do What I Gotta Do To These Non Black Men

Why I Gotta Do What I Gotta Do To These Non Black Men

If you are wondering what is up with my long time hiatus (for a week) from social media, it is because I was in jail. That said there is a reason why I gotta do what I gotta do (if I were a white girl I wouldn’t have to explain or even be in this situation as said by a jewish dude who noted the more humane treatment of a shirtless white girl further down the pch)…… ….And notice this stalking mofo coming right back again. The reason why I landed in jail is because in part due to dehumanizing,

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The White Supremacist Colonialist Mentality of White Men And Why They Must Be Handled With Hands ????‍♂️

The White Supremacist Colonialist Mentality of White Men And Why They Must Be Handled With Hands ????‍♂️

Imma put this fucking neandeRAPE FIRST! – peep the creature of the cave’s california license plate 5VWK845 In light of the Jenae Gagnier murder I think white people – and their white supremacist colonialist ways – are getting too comfortable with unveiling their ugly true colours around us due to the new age kneegrow believe that “we are all equal and all one.” No we ain’t bitch and this pale face demon about to find out. This is the second time this mofo has flagrantly and defiantly stalked me. 1st time was last weekend, a Friday to be precise and

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The Pro Life Movement Is A Front For Child Trafficking And Pedophilia

The Pro Life Movement Is A Front For Child Trafficking And Pedophilia

I knew there was a reason why they are caping for a parasite over a living, breathing womban (and why they don’t give a fuck about the lil bas-turd when born)…… https://www.npr.org/2018/07/17/629681931/late-mother-teresas-order-investigated-for-child-trafficking-in-india ….And note how these pedophiles and child traffickers like Focus on the Family (meaning your children ???) are projecting…… They can’t even come up with a good fucking lie! I mean HOW TF ARE WE GONNA BE INTO CHILD TRAFFICKING WHEN WE DON’T WANT THE LIL BASTURDS IN THE FIRST PLACE???? That’s them doing that shit! When I threw this argument at a greasy pro life dog haired

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The Way To Make It In Hollywood Is Not With A Deal With Satan But With The Demiurge Reptilians And His Other Archons

The Way To Make It In Hollywood Is Not With A Deal With Satan But With The Demiurge Reptilians And His Other Archons

The demiurge is who christians, muslims and all followers of mass mind control re-ligion war-ship! That is who those in Hollywood make deals with and give sacrifices too as was done for the god of the old testament: John Ellizz’s All Seeing Eye Book Confirms That Christians and Muslims War-ship A Reptilian So Called God – As I will show in another blog post he is BAAL, Moloch as Yaweh is Baal! This is an example of one such archon – a skeletal archon – who had his minion – a reptilian – come to me via astral projection in

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