Hi! My name is Raven Williams. That is my real name. I hate wetbacks and I am a huge Trump supporter (chomo Biden will NEVER be my president). The reason why they STOLE this election is more complexed than just any hatred of Trump: https://toplessinla.org/2021/01/09/the-covid-destruction-of-businesses-is-meant-to-set-up-for-the-great-reset-aka-hunger-games/ Unlike most "people" aka organic portals (finally overstand why I hate most mofos - and they aren't even human after all (esp. the wetbawks), I understand nuances and that there are layers to things..... I place tidbits and easter eggs for those with eyes to see and ears to hear in my articles all the time. So I am not a simple person.
Now Administering The New Dick ‘Woke 🧙🏻‍♀️🗡✏🩸

Now Administering The New Dick ‘Woke 🧙🏻‍♀️🗡✏🩸

I don’t know why I didn’t think of this earlier but I don’t have to put hands… or a knife 🗡✏🩸 to make your dick fall off…… I can use witchcraft to do it and I will 🗡✏🩸 #aileenwournoswoke I just started using it on these two knuckleheads here…… Mofo saying he wasn’t coming around for me and he could pay to see better breasts at a strip club (see the low vibratory mofos I deal with?)….. These mofos came to a screeching halt when I was talking to my black friend, shirtless and was looking to trivilaise my shirtless

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They Gangstalk Me To Recruit Me Into Some Goddess Cult Ritual

They Gangstalk Me To Recruit Me Into Some Goddess Cult Ritual

JUST NOW I had a mofo pull up RIGHT BEHIND ME as I was taking a shit in my bucket….. I didn’t catch up to you this time but I remember how your vehicle looks…. I see it ALL the time out here….. next time 🪨 I am happy that I got the spiritual talents that I do, that my third eye is open….. there is a reason why this fake azz khazar jeWISH wrote this spiteful long ass diaTRIPE….. That said I saw thru my third eye that they want to use me in some goddess ritual as I

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Wetback Public Works Worker Calls Me Mop Head And One Tries To Run Me Over

Wetback Public Works Worker Calls Me Mop Head And One Tries To Run Me Over

I’m now just getting the chance to upload this….. I think this the same mofo who fucked with my van awhile back….. The Uncle Tom Mentality I once heard these knuckleheads arguing amongst each other lol 🤡🤣😂 Here the mofo who tried to run me over…… I was walking down the pch, in a drunk induced state of happiness, when I saw this wetback CAREENING towards me in that big truck as I was walking…… Of course the demon seed tried to deny it. This why I look down on wetbacks. They look down on us which I don’t care

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How The jeWISH Operates

How The jeWISH Operates

I don’t know if this was a daygo wop… I know he a faggot….. looka the rainbow mafia flag in the passenger seat…. – I got that too. What a coincidence he got the same rainbow flag I got. Gangstalkers leave clues that what they do is not coincidence…. Even if he is a daygo wop goyim I KNOW the jeWISH around here be putting their gardeners, labourers and other homeless up to fuck with me via some Saturnian ass gangstalking operation they got out here in Malibu. The shit I said here needed to be said and I’ll say

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The True Jews Are BLACK You Fake KHAZAR Jew

The True Jews Are BLACK You Fake KHAZAR Jew

THIS FAKE KHAZAR jeWISH is LITERALLY TELLING YOU ALL WHAT THE DEAL IS…… A member of the synagogue of Satan decided to send me this hateful post cause these demon ass mofos – and their goyim minions – can’t exploit me…… I blocked his ass I don’t have time for that bullshit….. I didn’t read that wall of bullshit…. well, actually I skimmed it and was LAUGHING my HEBREW ISRAELITE ass off….. Here, send this lonely ass hymie a message since his fake jew khazar ass is obviously lonely enough to write that bullshit….. warrenkruger100@gmail.com I blocked him cause I

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The Occult Symbolisms In Jenny 69’s Video “La 69”

The Occult Symbolisms In Jenny 69’s Video “La 69”

This is a Chinese symbol or a sigil meant to use sex aka sacral chakra energy meant to attract and “wrap” people to her, under her control as seen thru my third eye (I saw her and a dragon kissing and fucking while entombed in a very elaborate dress-gown that had slits where the ass can be seen)…… I’ve talked about that triangular symbolism before, witch 🧙🏼‍♀️🐉🐉🐉🐉 is displayed all throughout…… – Upside down triangle is Divine Feminine energy but as explained here – using those colours – it is designed to DRAW you into the sex sacral chakra energy

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The Archonic Meaning Behind Pink Floyd’s Famous “Dark Side of The Moon” Triangle

The Archonic Meaning Behind Pink Floyd’s Famous “Dark Side of The Moon” Triangle

Funny cause it is believed aliens occupy the dark side of the moon….. This looks like hell, Tower of Babel….. That said let me tell you the truth about this triangle as seen thru my third eye….. Spirit World Sending Messages: Triangle Formed Right By My Car – I was getting possessed by those mofos here now I know….. Why The Reptilians Hate And Fuck With The Most Reptilian Hybrids They were blocking my heart chakra so I couldn’t come into my power….. NOTE the triangle superimposed on where my heart chakra is…… For the longest period of time –

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Astral Vision Shows Jewish Ancestral Soldiers Protecting Me From Spiritual Attacks By White Supremacists

Astral Vision Shows Jewish Ancestral Soldiers Protecting Me From Spiritual Attacks By White Supremacists

Here is one of those white supremacists spiritual attacks here….. Imma talk more indepth about this in another blog but these white supremacists feel SO ENTITLED to my body, our bodies, black folks bodies that one very recently LOST IT when I was talking to MY OWN MEN…. AND YASSS I RAN THAT PALE FACE DEMON RIGHT THE FUCK OFF….. And I’ll do it again 🧝🏻‍♀️👹🐉 That said I got word from the spirit realm of a planned attack by white supremacists…… I’ve said before that I have jewish ancestry. My great great grandmother was German (Ashkenazi) Jewish. There were

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Egyptian Man Fulfills My Curse And Sets Fire On The PCH

Egyptian Man Fulfills My Curse And Sets Fire On The PCH

Fucking thing even formed a triangle, an archon symbol….. I myself am of royal Egyptian ancestry….. This what happens when ya’ll harass me….. Yeah I had shit to do….. In another spell-bounding turn of events he said the fire department even dropped the charges…… Fuck I Got Pyrokinesis: Malibu Gets Fyre Fest ‘Woke After I Thought It I Told Ya’ll In Malibu I Was Gonna Woolsey Fyre Fest 2.0 Dat Azz Forest Fire Breaks Out At Sunset Mesa on The PCH In Malibu

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