I Finally Saw The Dan Arcienega Entity In The Physical That I Spotted By Manchester and Figueroa

I Finally Saw The Dan Arcienega Entity In The Physical That I Spotted By Manchester and Figueroa

From what I understand on May 1, 2024, he cut my head off:

He did the same thing to Baron Samedi some months ago:

I saw him at the corner of Manchester and Figueroa, having been at two bus stops, an inexplicably being at the next one I was at without taking the bus:

He looked like this:

I talked about it here:

The Enemies Who Cursed Me Cut Off Baron Samedi’s Head In The Astral Plane And Needing Clarification

Here are the mofos responsible for putting the curse on us:

Dude’s name is Mikey Hernandez – Dan Arcienega or Martinez is supposed to be an ancestral spirit of his – and all of the rest of em got the last name Santana (the one out of sight is the one who did the tarot cards in the first one whose highest self is a racist who wanted to sacrifice the both of us named Maria Santana):

I saw Baron Samedi’s consciousness being taken over by the wetbacks (or whites) who put the curse on me courtesy of the entity you see above, Dan Arcienega. I even had my spirit guide and eye myself see him walk in with a young whitish wetback, frail, barely able to stand just as Papa Legba is described.

At one point me and my spirit guide saw a young wetback take his place:

Just as I prophesized here, wetbacks were gonna take over our ancestral spiritual traditions of voodoo and Santeria and kick us out. I even recall during this curse the wetbacks at that Santa Muerte shop at 8704 Broadway St by 87th and Broadway in South Central were discussing with Santa Muerte stealing my and Baron Samedi’s ancestral money (I am supposed to be the successor to Hekate) and making a deal with them and the folks who cursed me to make me the next “Santa Muerte”, to be stuck in hell realms and give that tulpa (she comes from the wetback Soul over consciousness) corporealness and I saw my future self a couple of times. They have done that with other folks. I even heard that they tried to impose that on the actor Patrick Swayze but – unlike I and Baron Samedi – actually helped him and gave him his blessings, etc. The plan here with me and Baron was was to steal from us and turn us into slaves for them wetbacks!

To defeat Santa Muerte, all you need is black tourmaline, frankincense (like I got), 6666 hz or 2160 hz and 432 hz and you are good to go.

As said here another way to defeat her is to disconnect her from her followers which I learned while in jail is what makes her, is her lifeblood (without them since she is nothing since she is a tulpa) as talked about here:

– aim for the subconscious at the back of the head.

The Key To Defeating The Paul And Veronica Edwards Aka David And Barbara Reina Curse Is To Aim For The Subconscious

From what I understand the people who put this curse on me, wetbacks (and some whites) were gonna take over his consciousness using their roach attachments which are connected to their higher to highest selves to take him over, which me and my spirit guide recently saw (use 1331 hz to revive someone’s consciousness and 3571 hz and 3517 hz to revive a dead body in the astral or spirit plane. I do it all the time).

With that being said, they put him on me to make me a sacrifice to Santa Muerte and Quetzalcoatl – at one point I heard him call em up, call on them – to sacrifice me and before then Mikey Hernandez’s Quetzalcoatl.

That being said he is a very hard and elusive entity to kill. I am a natural skeptic and I often approach the spirit world with a very scientific approach and that said he is a very hard entity to kill. I find 6666 hz and 2160 hz combined with 432 hz works best (666 hz is very good along with 2160 hz for most entities, including higher to highest selves).

I find that – at first I was told he was an ancestral spirit. When I saw him here me and my spirit guides first thought, spirit guide:

I also got higher self.

I heard that he came through my Raziel and he was somehow linked to my Huitzilopochtli:

And also Mikey Hernandez’s Raziel and Huitzilopochtli, but mainly his Raziel:

At one point – actually for a while, Mikey Hernandez – I heard from that original timeline Where I died in my sleep on August 22, 2022 – and his Raziel and even this Dan Arcienega or Martinez entity was placed in charge as my higher to even almost highest selves to astral body harvest and divert my blessings towards them as a curse.

It was Alex Nacimento, when I was in the process of getting rid of him, who brought him:

Saw him coming in 2022, him and the Whyte German bitch, really they came in 2014, she wearing a nurse’s outfit and with a skeleton that was to be my future (Santa Muerte) self or my higher self or my brother, Kristen.

You can see death in my eyes here:

Tell Paul Edwards The POS Behind The Gangstalking In Malibu To Quit

All this is designed to keep me under heavy curses and out that August 22, 2022 timeline where I lost my body and timeline and I have seen that timeline (I had somebody, something slap someone else’s ancestral timelines on my back – and before then a meeting between this “Rosie” or Veronica Gigi, Ashley Hampstead- Jessica De La Torre – right before the switch happened). I saw it through my third eye, heard it from psychics, that timeline is real and all my blessings and spiritual powers are being funneled into it (I am told I have to wait 7 years to get back in my body)

This is how this Ashley Hampstead person looks in the astral:

This is how she looked in the physical plane:

She is supposedly someone who succumbed to these people’s curse, signed a Soul contract and ended up in the roach realm and was told to wait some time to come out and take over the body of someone who did not appreciate their blessings.

It was Baron Samedi who blocked me from them. And it was Baron Samedi blocking me from getting back into my body and timeline with the folks who cursed me, the wetbacks (I remember the day he locked me out of that timeline and J physically saw it).

It was all done to keep me under intense and heavy curses in order to block me from that timeline: August 22, 2022.

Since then, like what I discovered, I have had my own higher to highest selves – who from being to some extent mixed with my enemies through manipulation of my spiritual DNA – act as prison guards and do the bare minimum and barely put me back together and barely make sure I am alive (I am being barely kept alive while having my consciousness, Soul consciousness even, torn from me, “reincarnated” cruelly in order to give live to the person who took over my body – I think you need someone’s Soul matrix or more to stay in someone’s body – and funnelled to this person in my body in this alternate timeline along with my blessings, what used to be mine).

I find that this Dan Arcienega Entity – an intranquil ancestral spirit or spirit guide – of Mikey Hernandez’s is able to move seamlessly from powerful entity to entity – his and my Raziel, Huitzilopochtli, St. Peter.

But Imma say this:

I figured out what’s going on:

This whole curse started back in my old neighborhood of Miracle Mile.

I believe – and still wonder – if the Alex Nacimento entity attachment came from these two, I think it did, I don’t know:

That said at that those two shops there is a long haired guy, a gay dude, whose name I believe is Jose Cuevas, from Portugal, or Jose De Aquino, trying to be like this satanic wedbawk here named Michael Aquino, a CIA agent who was an occultist (he runs the Temple of Set) and ran various MK Ultra operations back in the day:

He also goes by Juan De Aquino, or Juan Cuevas, a faggot or shall I say, fahjay!

This an evil mofo.

This faggot put a curse on me, based on research, cause he didn’t like me – saw me as competition – and wanted to steal my shit!

I had and to this day still do have a lot of my shit being diverted to other places and people.

Remember this article I wrote about waking up and seeing, back in 2015, right when they hit me with the curse, my whole apartment being bathed in an eerie darkness, with inexplicably red neon lights – which I did not own – pointing inward and a big red neon sign saying “Exit”:

From what I understand – the devil, Satan, who I heard going back to August 22, 2022, took me out my body, “protected” from seeing what would happen to them and me in the future (as part of this curse they died in their sleep while their bodies were taken over by ancestors and ended up there and I heard it while in jail) in which, had I see what was really happening, they were in a standing room only situation where they were being eaten by large and small, giant cockroaches, swaying lifeless on the ground as I saw with my brother Bryan, who died in 2012 (I believe he was a victim of that Alex Nacimento:

Here he is, Bryan Williams:

Alex Nacimento:

My parents, mom and dad:

I remember seeing my brother stuck in the roach realm in Pallet Numbre’s realm whom I talked about in Astralworld and for a while he wasn’t in his body – I heard Satan or an ancestor was – and just like the rest of my family in that August 22, 2022 timeline, they had an impossible drug and alcohol addiction curse placed on them by the person who took over my body and timeline and were ultimately killed in their sleep.

Like I said before: I have seen that timeline, felt that timeline, I know it’s real and I cried thinking about it today:

It kills me more than anything to know what I lost and know it’s real. It ain’t even about material blessings lost. I just wanna make sure my family is safe. Do what you will (I won’t let you) with me!

We are a good family and don’t deserve this.

That said herein comes Dan Arcienega, to put me in hell realms and make it worse.

Herein comes them wetbacks bitches at that Santa Muerte shop on Broadway to make it worse:

I saw in the astral plane that they have removed ALOT of my consciousness out of my astral body, even spirit body and setting it to where I almost leave my body in the astral plane. Ultimately die in my sleep. They have been distancing me from my consciousness to do that.

I will say this: I heard going back to May 1, 2024, I died in my sleep, been getting take out my body. I will say this: to corroborate it I have been seeing weird things that connote to death: 2 weeks from then seeing folks wearing Aztec death masks, folks sleeping then waking like from a spell while driving, I heard an Aztec death whistle (Mikey Hernandez and Dan Arcienega had sacrificed me to Quetzalcoatl, I got a Sandifer). I know I ain’t in my body, a body and Everytime I would try to get in, Dan Arcienega would block it and Santa Muerte would block it and devour.

Me and my family got made a sacrifice to them as well and it gets worse cause what is supposed to be my spirit team – Baron Samedi, Alex Nacimento – energy vampires, are against me and all them people used Dan Arcienega to do it!

The woman who did the tarot cards – whose highest self is the most vicious and racist at attacking – her name is Maria Santana (all of em here’s highest selves last names are Santana) is behind the front desk, unseen, third (she got a thin nose) and the yellow, the worst and just as racist (she wears glasses in the astral plane):

– And from what I understand going back to that May 1, 2024 timeline their corporeal and higher to highest selves got my blessings too, keeping me stuck under further, heavy curses!

All to keep me out that August 22, 2022 timeline – and my body. It just gets worse.

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: paypal.me/RWilliams387 you like the content.

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