Something Sinister Happened With Baron Samedi And The Three Evil People Who Cursed Me

Something Sinister Happened With Baron Samedi And The Three Evil People Who Cursed Me

I wrote articles about him in the past concerning him working with them evil people to steal my spiritual powers and destroy me:

Baron Samedi and The People Who Cursed Me Are Trying To Place Me Under MK Ultra

Harassment By Baron Samedi

Do Not Worship Baron Samedi Because He Is A Pedophile Who Puts Curses On Innocent Blacks

That being said a couple of entities – as was done months back – were imbibing my life force energy and consciousness – which is how an entity takes you into their hell realm for some evil purpose, one I don’t know. They were taking me as far way from my consciousness as possible, claiming it is “for my protection” when really it is to take me as far away from my original timelines, connection to ancestors and spirit guides, especially a child spirit guide they keep messing with and messing up (they messed her up bad and were trying to mess with her last night and set her up as the fall person for this so use 694 hz, 925 hz and 322 hz for discernment) and as close to death as possible!

From what

From what I understand an Alex Nacimento is linked to this:

I talked about him 2 years ago before this curse struck:

Tell Paul Edwards The POS Behind The Gangstalking In Malibu To Quit

I saw him with a big fat German white woman then:

I am being ganged up on and bullied bad by some evil entities: Baron Samedi, Hekate, the original and her dad, Zendaya’s Hekate whose name is Jessica Ill Hisse and are confusing the hell out of me when I try to get my stuff back as what is happening now.

I heard they turned my spirit guide into Aiwass, a creature Aleister Crowley summoned back in the day:

They also call it “Lam” and I believe it is related to Xenu, which is supposed to be Satan’s right hand person as I have learned spiritually.

They are doing it for purposes of mind control. They got rid of the original and tried to get rid of the original whole spirit guide last night and her – our – consciousness.

I dunno. I will say this, these mofos like using disguises or creating entity attachments of your spirit team – as they been doing to my child spirit guide and my consciousness and ancestors – using roach attachments so use 614 hz to 617 hz and 7000 hz to remove them. Use 925 hz or 432 hz to transmute. Use 1135 hz to get into places with barriers where you can’t.

And also my Egyptian ancestors took my shit. From what I have seen in the spirit plane I am related to Cleopatra and Nefertiti so take what you will. Use 694 hz, 925 hz and 322 hz for discernment (I even felt a loss of consciousness when I said that):

The other night they refused to help and removed any and all entity attachments from my consciousness and when I put them on blasts on my videos my roommate – whose ancestors were pilfering from my consciousness and took a lot of my stuff with the help of them, Oshun and Elegua along with the higher to highest selves of the folks who cursed me, brought in interestingly enough an Egyptian painting.

I dunno. I will say this, these mofos like using disguises or creating entity attachments of your spirit team – as they been doing to my child spirit guide and my consciousness and ancestors – using roach attachments so use 614 hz to 617 hz and 7000 hz to remove them. Use 925 hz or 432 hz to transmute. Use 1135 hz to get into places with barriers where you can’t.

Use 694 hz and 925 hz and 322 hz for discernment and 1715 hz, 2211 hz to 2217 hz to get your stuff back!

It got something to do with keeping me from that August 22, 2022 timeline as well as knowing the identity of who put this curse on me but I know that August 22, 2022 timeline is central to this and keeping me out of it.

An entity that looks like Emperor Palpatine is involved as well:

I talked about him here in the dream state:

Archon Attacks ARE Stepping UP As I Break Free of This Matrix And Teach Others To

That said here are a few people who I think are definitely involved…..

From what I have seen and heard astrally she definitely knows an Ingrid Hibert who put this curse on me who is a big fat German woman who is either a nurse or wears a nurse’s outfit or worked at Hooters or was an escort – I keep getting differing reports on what she does for a living but all I know is I first saw her appear to me in an astral vision, a dream with a skeleton (who from what I understand is what will become of my future self or spirit guide due to living in hell realms) in a nurse’s outfit and I have seen her memories as a nurse.

This how she looks:

Here are some more and I will say this: I attack them and things affect them spiritually here:

I will say this, these mofos like using disguises or creating entity attachments of your spirit team – as they been doing to my child spirit guide and my consciousness and ancestors – using roach attachments so use 614 hz to 617 hz and 7000 hz to remove them. Use 925 hz or 432 hz to transmute. Use 1135 hz to get into places with barriers where you can’t.

And these people and their higher to highest selves are definitely involved with keeping me stuck out of that August 22, 2022 timeline as well as keeping me from getting back into my body and timelines (from what I understand 3 months ago I died in my sleep and was killed by a tulpa of Mikey Hernandez’s ancestor or spirit guide named Dan Arcienega) and as I said I have been seeing weird shyte – I saw a guy blowing an Aztec death whistle and white masks on folks’ faces and I remember one night a couple of entities – Quetzalcoatl, Baron Samedi, that Emperor Palpatine entity – imbibing my consciousness and lifeforce, saying I am dead. From what I keep understanding in the spirit world I died and was sacrificed to Santa Muerte’s realm and keep fucking with a lone child spirit guide and a tulpa I created of her as well as her consciousness to keep me from getting any help. Use 694 hz, 925 hz and 322 hz for discernment.

These folks sacrificed me to their Santa Muerte or the Santa Muerte:

This is Mikey Hernandez:

These are the broads who sacrificed me. From what I understand their highest selves all have the last name, “Santana” and the one who I got a tarot reading from, whose last name is Maria Santana, is the main racist one who wanted me sacrificed to her or the Santa Muerte.

Here is their location.

They used this Dan Arcienega entity – an ancestral spirit of Mikey Hernandez’s – to attack and kill me off I believe and he looks like this:

He looks like this.

And I saw him seated here:

That said use 6666 hz or 666 hz and 432 hz on him.

They keep connecting him to my dad.

Here are some other people involved.

Because I keep getting removed from my consciousness everyday and every night by these evil entities – I just got back some and Baron Samedi almost took it away – my intuition, alot of things are fucked up. That’s why I need spiritual help. I have no spirit team and when I do get it, these evil entities mess it up:


If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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