How To Effectively Kill The Reinas aka Occalas and Michael O’ Terrence Effectively

How To Effectively Kill The Reinas aka Occalas and Michael O’ Terrence Effectively

Alright, this is fucking evil.

My heart dropped when I heard this.

These three evil mofos – mainly Michael O’ Terrence whose real name I heard is either – I got a Michael Bearden – this basturd placed both of my parents in a hell realm – a roach motel hell realm – to be fed off of by giant and small roaches – for damn near a year.

How “David Reina” aka Ethan Occala looks:

I keep seeing in the astral plane that “Barbara Reina” is a big fat German who is an ex nurse whose name is either Ingrid Bergman or Nene Occala:

I waited outside a motel – I was told on Friday night by their spirits that the Reinas would be there to fuck with my head as heard in the astral plane (I ‘woked the fuck outta they asses) – in South Central where I live for two whole hours – from 5am to damn near 7am – waiting for them cause I wanna physically hurt them bad for what they did to my family and there own spirits advised me that it was these two, but I have my doubts (I keep hearing a German woman and I saw in the astral plane a peanut headed white man with glasses):

I later was told that they are associates of them. These two were at a bus stop and I can’t see rich folks from Malibu catching the bus in South Central. I just can’t see it.

I was told by a spirit guide that he is in reality 71, he is 6’1 and he is 170 lbs. He claims to be native american but looks white from what I been told. He has green eyes.

In the astral plane he looks like an Indian:

I heard – and saw – that this mofo rapes lil kids for porn sets and I saw fingering an african child.

He lives in Malibu, more specifically.

Here is the address:

17455 Bayview drive Malibu CA

I remember the night while I was in jail hearing the whole episode in the astral plane with his higher self luring my parents to his hell realm using an entity attachment of me, saying, “Welcome to hell folks.” He later on did the same thing to a sheriffs deputy at the Lost Hills sheriffs station named David Clarke:

Here is how his higher self looks but thinner.

I remember hearing the gurgling noises of my parents and their lifeless eyes staring back as I saw them, defensiveless and helpess, in that roach motel hell.

I want them dead.

I heard they also did the same thing to my brothers too.

That said Imma tell you how to kill them.

I was shown by a spirit guide that in order to kill them you have to remove THEIR ENTIRE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS I was shown by a spirit guide that in order to kill them you have to remove THEIR ENTIRE SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS from the back THEN pull the rest then CUT IT, really, if you look at the depiction here, you can see how to remove it: It is from the crown chakra to the root IN THE BACK NEAR where the kundalini is aka your lifeforce energy., really, if you look at the depiction here, you can see how to remove it: It is from the crown chakra to the root IN THE BACK NEAR where the kundalini is aka your lifeforce energy.

It is DIRECTLY right behind you in the astral plane.

You can pull the chord in the middle and so forth.

You can also kill somebody by removing the chord to their astral body that is in the front and then remove their consciousness at the top of their head, in their head.

Let me remind ya that they have a Soul contract with their roach attachments not to grow any more consciousnesses so all you have to do is unplug them from their board and then remove the keyboard with their connection to them which is in the back of their head where their consciousness is and then you remove their spiritual protection πŸ‘πŸ»

Think unplug the matrix πŸ‘πŸ»

I explained all that here:

The Key To Defeating The Paul And Veronica Edwards Aka David And Barbara Reina Curse Is To Aim For The Subconscious

To Kill The Reinas You Must Unplug Their Consciousness Since They Are Not Allowed By The Roach Realm To Grow Their Own Consciousness

That is how he killed my parents. Put them in a sleepless state – by shooting their third eye – to get them to astral project inadvertently and then lured them to their deaths in the astral plane.

He had their whole Soul – and consciousnesses – in that realm and he boasted in the astral plane of how he has them in jars.

He has my ancestors working on a slave plantation on his home in the astral plane as seen a long time ago.

I want them dead.

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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