This Is How These Evil Fucking Entities Set Up Traps For Your Downfall

This Is How These Evil Fucking Entities Set Up Traps For Your Downfall

I am so happy this shit is reaching so many people ??‍♀️

I am glad I ain’t one of those fake more than likely reptilian controlled “peace and love and light” hippie hipster faggot fake enlightened assholes who like to pretty up the truth if they even tell it and tell ya’ll the raw and ugly truth of how to fight this matrix system and stay as free as possible!

By doing so it gives folks a better picture of what to fight and thus how to fight it…..

That said the other day I talked about how on here these mofos set up a trap – I used my third eye to try to manifest $3k – saw the dude who would send it, etc. so I can get up out this raggedy ass car that I feel was cursed from day one as a result of being “given” to me at a great unforeseeable expense ny matrix avatar fake gods ra and them…..

As I Fight Off The Archons They Gang Up With Matrix Gods To Hit Me With An Alcohol Urge

I Gotta Get Rid of This Car

It was a fork in the road which I will explain later was VERY bent in their favour where if I fight the alcohol urge (they aren’t supposed to fuck with your free will) I get $3k to get the minivan from my friend and if I succumb to it – well, I got sexually assaulted, wasted money on 5 cheap wine bottles. It was hell. They way they manipulate as explained here is they send a surge of energy into your neck (same place where evil entities can attach to you hence the term “a witch riding your back”) right at the base where your neck connects to your head – a part of the kundalini – that will in essence force you to drink.

They don’t tip that shit in your favour.

Here is how bad that shit is!

They were gonna set up some similar shit this weekend.

This how bad the shit is to fight it.

I asked my third eye to show me how the curse is implemented – it is mad important to ask it certain questions so you can get an accurate response!

It showed me being trapped behind bars = confinement – and tied to a fucking bed! I was in a black negligee, purple bra shirt thing and struggling. It then showed me the entities involved and – just like this weekend – I saw a devil faced man followed a bunch of reptilians and some other entities I can’t recall but a mind parasite was included!

I showed you all the mofos that were fucking with me here:

As I Fight Off The Archons They Gang Up With Matrix Gods To Hit Me With An Alcohol Urge

I undid it and ran they asses up the street. Before I did when I tapped into my energy this weekend I felt a strong drive towards alcoholism. When I got rid of em it was gone.

Don’t play their fucking games. I use my tarot cards and intuition to see what’s up!

So many idiots who call themselves “spiritualists” take this shit to be initiations. YOUR SOUL IS GOD AND IS DIVINE AND THEY HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT TO INTERFERE WITH YOUR FREE WILL and they were really interfering with my shit, extremely fucking invasive!

This book by John Lerma PERFECTLY PROVES why god the demiurge plays with us like chessboards:

Clue #1 – it needs negative energy to exists!

Decoding the dream I saw here where I rescued my baby brother from hell they were hoping that I would make a deal with the demiurge which the church symbolized!


As a bit of foreshadowing, look at what this demiurge controlled asshole said before I astral projected and saw what I saw:

It pisses me off how they fuck with him to get to me.

That said, I gotta get this shit off! Dropping and junking this car is a start!

***Another thing: to really see – there is a chakra on your widow’s peak at the top of your forehead that gives you wisdom and allows you to see when open. Open that and the third eye and call on The Source energy to use to get rid of your spiritual opponents. That is how I do it.***

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: you like the content.

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