My Brother Kristen’s Twitch Page Confirms That I Got Soul Swapped

My Brother Kristen’s Twitch Page Confirms That I Got Soul Swapped

That being said I was on my Instagram, perusing and I happened to stumble upon some of his IG pages mainly for his twitch back in the day.

I noticed that right around the time I got Soul swapped – August 22, 2022 as you can see in the vid – he stopped posting.

I looked at his page and he was trying to be like me with the Lucifer, spiritual occult bent.

Reading this and despite his age his innocent, very preteen like mind and mannerisms, I could kill myself for not having taken this curse seriously going back to before August 22, 2022.

I recall hearing that Baron Samedi – maybe not the real one – was gonna set it up that he would be in a “nicer” hell realm – cause he a good kid – where he would be repeatedly shot over and over the minute he walks out of his apartment.

I remember him at the start of this curse as I wanted to talk about in astralworld him and my family astral traveling due to this curse, with me hearing my parents get trapped in this Native American’s hell realm as I heard them screaming in a blood curling manner (later I saw my dad with his little gun – which as a retired New Orleans cop he puts alot of faith in as well as God – with my mother come out of said hell realm after I played 156 hz frequency – which frees spirits from spirit jars – ravaged with roach bites which inflated his skin, making him look like the elephant man).

I have had dreams of my parents, my mom, being stuck in a hospital filled with roaches and seen visions, very realistic, of my dad filled with roaches, stuck in roach hell realms.

Speaking on Kristen – I recall he came to me very vividly one night – showing it was not a dream – this was during the curse – where he was wearing war torn clothing saying, “Raven I am so happy to see you” looking like a skeleton. Turns out he was trapped in a hell realm where it was filled with constant violence every time you stepped outside your door.

Something happened cause even in the dreamscape my brother’s coworkers with the New Orleans fire department – I will say this in a million years did I not expect our lives to turn out like this so tragically – came to me asking for help regarding my brother.

As icing on the cake, I recall having a dream where I was in the astral plane, on a rollercoaster – presumably in my own consciousness – where I was brought in by this entity here:

Tell Paul Edwards The POS Behind The Gangstalking In Malibu To Quit

I was with Dan Akroyd surprisingly.

That said my parents and brothers were fully conscious, meaning they were no longer in the world of the living. This was 2022.

I wish I woulda took this curse more seriously.

If I KNEW what was coming as I learned I did in one timeline where I was wildly rich and successful in Hollywood and got my blessings stolen back from the people who put this on me, I got an Ingrid Hibert, “Barbara and David Reina”, which actually started in my old neighborhood of Miracle Mile, an Alsandro Orozco or Zapata:

I wonder if it’s them (their last names are Orozco and I learned they knew of this curse or were involved in it – I heard the whole neighborhood was):

Having A Bully For A Neighbor

…..cause I started seeing giant roaches, one of which I learned was to be my future dad here, Napoleon Williams Jr.

I remember at the start of this curse my mother started looking different and speaking much different like she had a German accent that came off as country which I have proof of.

Here is the before and after:

– I can see a couple of spirits in this pic.

Features look dramatically different. It’s shocking and mad deafeningly obvious.

Here is the audio:

This is the before.

This is the after.

Here are before and after version of her text messages which lets you know something really fucked up happened:

I remember at one point when I spoke to her after the curse befell all of us, interestingly I asked how my brother Kristen was doing and she said, “Who’s that?” so I know she – and my dad as seen during this curse – were not in their bodies.

I remember at the beginning of this curse my mom said a bird, maybe yellow, came to her constantly pounding it’s beak on the window. She thought it was my dead brother Bryan:


I actually paid a shaman to rescue him from this bald headed entity here after I knew he was in hell in the afterlife:

Tell Paul Edwards The POS Behind The Gangstalking In Malibu To Quit

Here is my recounting it.

I Finally Rescued My Brother From The Demon Reptilian Holding Him Hostage

While in jail I had seen thru my third eye my mom and brother trapped in a hell realm.

I also saw they had been divided into entity attachments which were trying to protect me – and prevent what was to come. Later on in a couple of timelines I saw they – as I heard with I – my mom was turned into an entity attachment which I saw one night.

– And Baron Samedi, and living a much happier life.

I wouldn’t be under heavy curses, having more and more curses placed on me as the one coming from Maria Parafin who derived from these people here, going back to May 1, 2024 – which I saw in the spirit world and as the white SUV shows as proof they came up (use 694 hz, 695 hz to see), which I have been exposing here:

Do NOT Go To The Botanica Named San Miguel Botanica Located At 8704 Broadway By 87th and Broadway In South Central Los Angeles

Maria Parafin’s Highest Self Entered My Apartment Physically Last Night To Attack Me

I recall two weeks ago seeing Aztec death masks, hearing their whistles and to top it all off seeing the grim reaper appear in the reflection of my cellphone so something happened!

I also keep hearing this Maria Parafin who is the highest self of the tarot reader I got a reading from there insistently say, “I want her dead.”

So something happened on May 1, 2024, just like something happened to my family as well going back to August 22, 2022.

That being said, I looked up his name and mysteriously saw some posts which I learned in the spirit world is reminiscent of when somebody gets Soul swapped where they are hidden and noticed the posts were dated recently and when I clicked on them nothing was there:

That kinda reminds me of how folks who are in between worlds will see shadows of their former life made to seem “real” like they are in the physical 3D still but are not.

This is what this reminds me of.

That said even more compelling and chilling is this message he made in a video circa 2022 where he said alot of interesting things occurred in 2022:

I don’t think any of us are in the world of the living, esp in that August 22, 2022 timeline.

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: @ CashApp @ $RavenWilliams2222$ or at my Zelle at 310-359-5199 if you like the content.

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