Kamala Harris Is Telling You All Where The Antichrist Will Rise

Kamala Harris Is Telling You All Where The Antichrist Will Rise

These mofos are telling you all what’s going on secretly behind closed doors.

Strangely I been getting and receiving messages from what I feel are alternate timelines telling of war or rumours of it – which I will break down in a future post:

Read the comments thread I ain’t never heard of no shit like that with Trump drone bombing Iran at all!


And this weirdo shyte, on American soil: volunteers getting shot up by an American Helicopter:

And this is scary:

That guy is too sincere to be joking.

From my perspective this is an alternate timeline (it is something about what these roach attachments – use 7000 hz to get rid of em or 7010 hz to change em back to what they once were or 1150 hz or between 614 hz to 617 hz – are doing to my consciousness to make it wide open and to have it set up where I physically see – not merely perceived – alternate timelines which are contained within all of us, in our consciousnesses – as the alternate timeline images, videos will appear fuzzy) and in this one I saw through my broken third eye this is a timeline where there is Martial Law and from what I understand it all started with the “Tithe Act” in the 80s where if you buy a car worth more than $20,000 you had to pay a large sum to the government)!

With that being said Kamala Harris, as folks associated with the illuminati always do, is telling you what is gonna go down:

I will say this: I learned a lot of things during this curse about the spirit world and gossip from it from them roach attachments I got.

About a year ago, in 2023, or 2022, near the end, I was told that the Antichrist was born I believe some 7 months, now about a year ago – I think 2023. I was told and learned through a spirit guide that his name would be Hassan. I am desperately trying to remember the last name but it was an average Arab name.

He was living in hell realms for millenia in the spirit plane and wanted his own hell realms to rule – as that is what he only knows (use 3517 hz or 3571 hz to revive and restore demons who were once humans back to what they were, which is what they, he, have become).

Because of this curse my dad was slated to become a deformed one named Theriel:

It was that entity, an Alex Nacimento here, who destroyed off my baby brother Bryan in the spirit plane:

Tell Paul Edwards The POS Behind The Gangstalking In Malibu To Quit

With that being said I heard he would rise to power in the 2070’s. I believe he will be born wealthy but slated for Islamic extremism.

He will be a catalyst who will commence it but not in charge of it. As to whom I don’t know.

Nostradamus and many folks saw him coming:

I also heard that Hitler, who has reformed after living in hell realms (use 694 hz to see where someone is, 125 hz, 1185 hz and 156 hz to rescue them from hell realms, 3517 hz or 3571 hz to revive a dead body and 1248bhz to defeat the illuminati, who feed off of him and other Nazis – so he was in a way right) is gonna reincarnate as a follower of Islam to avert that and ensure he doesn’t make the same mistake as him.

– I proudly drew that image consummately as a teen.

Poor Hitler had WW II as his Soul contract and was made homeless till he followed it. Being a painter or architect was not one of his roadways.

That being said they are telling you what’s coming. They will try to manufacture it but it is in our hands through psychic abilities, etc.

If you have any comments, anything personal you wanna share, send me an email here: [email protected] Also, feel free to donate here: paypal.me/RWilliams387 you like the content.

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