I hate him.
Who went through HELL to bring his – THEIR – kid into the world….
I never liked this guy…..
Nipsey Hussle Was Set Up To Become The New Age Jesus Christ By The Illuminati
You are the company you keep…..
And this guy “was” a pure fucking asshole who as shown by his friend was an asshole towards people not on his socioeconomic level as manifested by his friend degraded someone who needs help, a drug addict!
The guy is also a chomo, a pedophile.
Someone who watched my vid on him once told me that there was a news clipping of him having enslaved and beaten a young girl:
The energy of that guy strikes me as narcissistic, very self pontificating – he saw himself as a god but not in the gnostic sense like me – a snob and looked his nose down on others he felt he was “better than”, a real douchebag!
He dumped the baby mama and climbed with Lauren London – a passed around video heaux – for clout hence why he is now snobbing the woman who bore his child.
– That description lol!
Selfish basturd!
His family ain’t shit too:
She was casting a spell on you dumbass organic portals…..