The Amber Heard Johnny Depp Trial Is A Diversion To Coverup Archon UFOs Kidnapping The Celebrities Who Made Deals With Them To Eat Them

The Amber Heard Johnny Depp Trial Is A Diversion To Coverup Archon UFOs Kidnapping The Celebrities Who Made Deals With Them To Eat Them

There was something called Project Bluebeam that is sorta akin to this in that it mentions a fake ufo light show before “G” sets out to destroy the world….. ….It’s funny because awhile back a sister was communicating with me that she had a “dream” about seeing these squidward looking reptilians returning back to where they came…. For clarification on this I used my third eye and saw exactly what I said above: Kobe Bryant’s Death Was A Sacrifice For The Demon He Sold His Soul To John Ellizz’s All Seeing Eye Book Confirms That Christians and Muslims War-ship

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To Sun Moon Stars Intuitive Tarot And Other Black Spiritualists WATCH YOUR ENERGY AROUND WETBACKS

To Sun Moon Stars Intuitive Tarot And Other Black Spiritualists WATCH YOUR ENERGY AROUND WETBACKS

I would NOT even let them in 🀚🏻πŸšͺ – I can’t tell ya how many blacks thank me for exposing their ASStecs….. – This poor girl….. I broke it down this week….. Proof That Blacks Need To Avoid Wetbacks Being In Their Personal Energy Space Because Wetbacks Are Energy Vampire Leeches These creatures are natural, innate energy vampires. Why Mexicans and Latinos Are The Children of The Reptilians Why I Say That Mexicans Are The Children of The Devil aka Reptilians John Elliizz’s Book CONFIRMS Wetbacks Are The Demon Seeds of Demonic Reptilians They are literally some form of a

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