I WAS WONDERING WHY the same mofos who gave NO JAIL TIME to two crakkkas who were caught starving two Ghanian kids……
…..The same folks who let a white supremacist murder a small black baby get off with only 30 years……
Are pushing SO HARD for black people to produce unwanted black babies…..
They want them to enact their racist slavemaster fantasies out on since kids – esp. black kids – can’t speak up or as in the case of some of those kids above won’t be believed……
Kids like the Hart kids who tried to warn authorities that his fake el dyko crakkka lesbian “moms” was beating and starving them……
Looka she got this kid acting as if he is in a minstrel show racist bitches…..
Using them as props to push the white supremacist agenda of cleansing white folks of white guilt…..